Back in college, the young dandies and I used to play this song at an unnerving volume whilst singing along. Whenever the lyrics chimed "Rock me Amadeus," however, we would instead sing, "Eat me I'm a danish."
ooh! Eat me I'm a danish.
ooh! Eat me I'm a danish.
ooh! Eat me I'm a danish.
* * *
I love it and it's stuck in my head. eat me i'm a danish, yeah! eat me i'm a danish.
The young dandies, eh? I think I was still busying myself with being Prince Charming ala Adam Ant.
RIP Falco. jemison
Falco! Adore him. Paid a visit at his grave last summer.
*mmmm, O'Brien Danish*
Wait. Is that the one with potatoes?
Ach--at my campus, too!
ooh! Eat me I'm a danish!
we used to sing it that way too - even funnier when one of your roomates is from Denmark!
I had forgotten all about that... has it really been 25 FREAKIN' years?
Hmmm, and on a somewhat related note, I can remember singing "So-so-sodium. N-a" around the same time.
Have you ever heard Watch Out, Armadillos?
Maybe it's just a Texas thing. I like your eat me version better.
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