Bloody hands and feetsies hanging from a tree! Eek!

I passed this barf on my regular walk for about four weeks, gagging every time I went by. It finally dried up enough that I could brave taking a pic, but it still nearly made me blast a sympathy hurl.

Fork you too, buddy.

Scary tree and I'm freaked out!

I always wanted to steal one of these and see if it would get me a free pass through all the red lights. Or some extra sympathy. I didn't pick it up though, seemed like asking for a ghost to come and boo! me.

Hey, don't bite me, fella!
That barf is absolutely disgusting! *gag* LOL!
the fork is too funny... ;-)
fun Halloween post! :)
Heh heh...
Help!I can't stop eating the candy.
What a great project! I enjoyed these pics. Except the barf.
You have such cute little feet.
Hey, what happened to the squeaky shoes?
Pissy and Bug: That barf has unbelievable staying power. It's been there forever despite any number of rainstorms. Who knew barf was so indestructible?
Hi Cappy!
Nadina! Hand over the Butterfingers this instant!
Dean, This is my real foot! And yes, I still
Happy Halloween to my favorite blogger, Erin O'Brien!
Big love from the Sleepydog
Love the pics....hee hee
Happy Halloween Erin!
Wow! Barf has a lot of staying power. Perhaps it could be an alternative to cement...
Excellent barfpost. I gotta do more of those. Posting, that is.
I said this before and I will say it again, I as close to afraid as a fearless man can be...
Happy Halloween Sleepy and Ebezp!
Hal: An excellent environmental suggestion. The Groin Injury alone could pave the world.
Cappy: Thank you. Of course, all the credit goes to the barf.
JW: I finally got you close to something and that's something.
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