Dearest readers,
I invite you to enjoy an excerpt from my yet unpublished book of humorous nonfiction, The Irish Hungarian Guide to the Domestic Arts.
Thank you for your continued support.
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Making small thing grand and grand things small.
Comrade, you've made me spew lunch coffee out of my nose once again! I'm speculating you are eager for someone to note the similarity between your garlic press and a speculum. There ~ I said it first. It DOES put one in mind of the annual visit . . . nice golden mood lighting, too!
Somehow I had the feeling that you rwell appointed kitchen would include a marital aid - And I do enjoy the njoy product line as well - but garl;ic press to speculum is a journey I care not to take...
Way cool... calls to mind an update of Erma Bombeck, if you don't mind the comparison.
Human Sexuality, Vampirism and politics... sort of redundant covering all three when we know that it is all the same thing!
Limes: We must face our fears head on, sista!
J9: I wasn't so happy about it either, but once the connection was made in my head, the deed was, as they say, done.
Big Mark: You made me smile with your comparison--and I sure needed a smile today.
Garlic press? What's that?
Ah, well, ...I've always believed garlic was nature's most nearly perfect food. Now I know it is a certainty.
WV - chest; as in, I had to get it off my chest. I feel so much better now.
Al, I thought the marital aid portion of the proceedings might have thrown you from the loop ...
Hi Badge: It is a perfect food. Tastes great and it's less filling.
This brings to mind the time I asked you which kitchen tool you would use AS a marital aid, and you answered me in your next blog. I bring this up because it was the first time you acknowledged my humble presence here and I was beyond thrilled.
WV: Twirpe - as in, my younger brother sent me a photo of my mom's lasagna to taunt me with, because he is a twirpe.
I'm disappointed. I logged in fully expecting a new post in response to todays headline:
"UK has hung Parliament."
Oh well, guess I'll go eat Italian.
Glass: your humble hostess is beyond thrilled to have so many great readers like you.
: )
RJ: I am not going to take that bait. I won't do it. I won't do it! I WON'T DO IT!
I have something in my kitchen you would like; salt and pepper shakers that are a pair of weiner dogs. One is labelled P and the other S, but either way, the salt or pepper comes out the anus of the dog. My husband says S or P works no matter what, since it's either shite or poop. (he won't use them)
They sound great, anon. I love kitschy quirky S&P shakers!
The marital aid reference didn't really throw me for a loop. I just don't own or use a garlic press. I know some folks use and love them (multiple marital aid uses aside), but for me, nope. I'll stick with a knife. Call me a purist when it comes to garlic, I guess.
And it comes in handy if you find yourself in need of a pelvic exam!
I found the weiner dogs online...arf the price I paid for them. http://www.amazon.com/Dachshund-weiner-shaped-Pepper-Shakers/dp/B0008FUKC0
Al, you are one manual guy.
Kamp: I love a tool that has multiple uses. Now that's how to stretch a dollar.
Anon" Those are a riot! Thanks for the link.
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