Tuesday, May 11, 2010


From now on the only not-safe-for-work website that shall be banned from the Offices of Erin O'Brien is The Smoking Jacket. Any employee of the Offices of Erin O'Brien (except Erin O'Brien) viewing said website during office hours shall be terminated immediately.

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Ken Houghton said...

Uh, dear, the link declares that The Smoking Jacket is SFW.

Or is that why it was banned? (It's before 8:30, so I'm not working yet.)

Erin O'Brien said...

I was trying to be ironic.

Plus, I thought it was hilarious how this "safe for work" site" that has "everything you love about men's entertainment and the Internet — minus the stuff that'll get you into hot water at the office!" plays to morons.

I mean COME ON--what gives?

It's okay to blow off at your admin job by reading about some new band or a $200 set of headphones--just as long as there's no naked chicks?

The whole NSFW thing makes me laugh. If you're anywhere near that acronym, you probably aren't working.

Brian Bedell said...

No doubt.... in the offices of Brian Bedell, if you are doing anything other than working, you are on a site which is NSFW. In fact, it appears that one of my eployees is goofing off right now... another note in the old dossier I do believe.

An Alternate Truth/A Fiction Blog

Matt Conlon said...

That's why I love working from home. Sometimes what I'm WEARING is nsfw, let alone what I'm looking at...

Kirk said...

But is it safe for the public library?

Amy L. Hanna said...

It ain't open yet as of my comment.

Leslie Morgan said...

EO'B, as even-handed and fair-minded as you are, will you give those offending employees an opportunity to be represented and heard? Sorry. Can't take the old union rep out of the woman!

WV - subesna. I'd also want subesna rights to learn what any witnesses had to say.

Glass Houses said...

The system was down, damnit!

Hal said...

Everything in the offices of Hal Perry is Safe For Work.

In fact, in the offices of Hal Perry, the only thing that is NSFW is anything that doesn't have nuditiy and/or hard pore corenography.*

*"Hard Pore Corenography" is a homage to one of Archie Bunker's many word mangles.