Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I can't handle it

I can handle the fact that I'm still sitting on an inflatable rubber ring. I can handle the fact that I just spent $200 on a new LCD for my laptop and that I have to install it myself. I can handle the fact that quality shower heads easily cost $500.

But I cannot handle the new Britney Spears song that my 11-year-old is playing again and again and again and again and ....

Oh here, listen for yourself as Brit muses over this "really urban" and "self-empowering" work yourself:


Anonymous said...

And Jim puts his hands over his ears, singing at the top of his lungs, "WHOEVER YOU ARE, I'M FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN! FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN!!!"

Make the bad blonde STOP!

dean said...

Don't look for sanity in the vapid babblings of deposed pop princesses.

The intersection between the pop princess set and the normal people set is NULL. As any decent database guy can tell you, assigning meaning to NULL is a mug's game that will only end in tears.

Anonymous said...

I will not listen. I suppose I should be grateful that my 10 year old is Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers mostly. I have to admit too, I kinda like the theme song from "Wizards of Waverly Place" with Selena Gomez, almost a reggae rhythm.
On the other hand, you have a few years before you experience what I'm going through with my 18 year old college freshman daughter, who is a Lambda Chi little sister (much to this GDI's chagrin) and engaging in god knows what unnatural acts.


Anonymous said...

no way dude. i'm not clicking.

Zen Wizard said...

This music is so sampled, computerized, AutoTuned, and overproduced.

Why can't they have authentic music like we used to; with The Archies, The Monkees, and Alvin & The Chipmunks?

That was real talent. Not just some studio creation.

Anonymous said...

she's a corporation, part of the pornification of society, more importantly childhood...this is not innocent harmless stuff

here's a book i'm interested to check out:
so sexy so soon

Harry Finch said...

She ain't no Space Monkeys.

Anonymous said...

If it was Bertie Higgins bitching about all that, then maybe I'd listen, just because nothing's been heard from him in years.

Anonymous said...

My apologies. I forgot to post the link that would explain just what the heck I'm talking about:


Anonymous said...

eleven seconds.

Is that the record?