You will remember this horrific thing from this post and this post.
Having waited the appropriate ritualistic time, I have (ahem) donated it to a neighbor. May it never return!

And in case you missed it, I did have some serious commentary on the state of the Red, White and Blue.
Have a good Fourth everyone.
Yeah from a serious Americophile. Have a great day Erin.
Is this a neighbor you don't like?
This oddly reminds me of that Philip K. Dick novel where old Coca-Cola signs are sold as ethnic-american art.
There should be a name for this sort of kitsch, and a museum and a gallery, and an amusement park...
Go-Americana perhaps?
Happy 4th of July Erin, send the cat over, she is adorable.
PS: Your story on the flag is well written and so true, I hope there will be a time the flag dont need to be sad anymore.
I'm still in love with America.
Erin, there are a hell of a lot of things that are beautiful about the USA, and you're one of them.
Hold your head up. It'll be ok.
Happy 4th of July, Erin!
Happy 4th of July. And that time when the flag doesn't need to be sad is now. As I 'splained to my daughter heading into the 10th grade to meet the standard (I hate)American history trope, then choose which other country you'd rather join. I was there when my dad discarded the unwanted European citizenshep in favor of America in the 1950's. His reasons, service to his country in WWII for which he saw his brother and best friend lynched. Compared to the freedoms we have in the USA, it's now choice!
We are exquisitely free. To write, to think, to speak, to squander holidays reading other people's writing and thinking, (to draw), and perhaps not unimportantly, to buy bad tchotchkes and string them up in red white and blue. Happy Fourth, Erin.
Happy 4th Erin.
That Uncle Sam cat looks awfully familiar...
Thankfully I can see that is not my mailbox. I have no sidewalk, my mailbox post is totally bent from too many plow hits and I haven't been so nice as to decorate the area in welcome for a kitty of the jingoistic variety. Phew. I have not an inkling of who I could send that off to next without murderous reprecussions.
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