I am not entirely sure it was not a toad, but to title this post "Toad and toe" just didn't get it.
The creature was as enthusiastic about escaping the photo shoot as I was about completing it. This made our interaction both kinetic and antagonistic. The drama played out on my driveway. I am unsure what the photo says about me, but it says something.
I have not seen the creature since this event.
Hello. My name is Erin O'Brien.
Looks like a tree frog. Especially if that picture is in perspective and you're not Allison Hayes.
And, oh, yeah, sorry, but you're it.
What a cute little guy!
Like the toad, too!
The purple nail polish is making me hot.
the frog was also called Erin o Brien??
Fuck. What are the odds on that??
maybe the frog was afraid that you were going to kiss him? LOL!!!
Something I learned from blogging: Toads have warts - frogs do not. Next time, just look for warts. (I'm unwittingly becoming an authority on warts.)
omg... The first time I loaded this box I said "no" when it asked if I wanted to load the pictures. I think I should've said no the second time too. SO nsfw!
I think the post betrays your deep-seated LOTR complex. The toad represents Gollem who is out to snatch your ring. I just can't figure out why it's on your little hobbit toe...
That looks like the toad that was in my toilet at 2AM up at my cottage. Quite a start I received when it jumped up and hit my nut sack. Especially in the dark and half asleep.
That is one beautiful toe!
Houghton: I'll see what I can do about 8 random things. Gimme a-coupla days sugar.
Bug: erf!
Pork: You'd look good in purple too, baby.
JJ: I know! And it even drinks cheap warm beer just like me.
Mone: I would have kissed the mother, but I was afraid I might turn into a toad.
Freddie: Sorry. You never know who you're going to run into here.
Whitenoise: I hate to admit I never read the books or saw the movies.
Badger: At least you're getting some sort of action.
Matt: Dunno. The toad did not want any part of the proceedings. The toe was under my evil control.
DDP: And it is a happy toe.
The toe is lovely and to another toad so is the toad!!
EBEZP: Support the Toad!
i had frogs over near my place. at first i couldn't figure out why but then i realized that there's a couple of ponds that are only a hop, skip and a jump away.
Cool toe ring. My wife never takes her's off.
I've heard "girls with toe rings" spoken about with the same sexual prejudice usually reserved for "girls who smoke."
Like I said, my wife never takes her's off. I'm very happy. :D
Jam: More cowbell, baby. Just keep giving me cowbell.
Ajooja: I quit smoking in 1993. I never take my toe ring off. Happy, happy, happy!
What a cutie!
Nice toe, too.
Love the photo and the title!!!
i take my toe ring off in the winter, cuz it's uncomfortable under shoes and socks. during the summer it is a fixture.
i like frogs. they are cute. i like to catch them. except they are not cute when they pee on you.
i really want a snake though. i'm totally the kind of gal who'd wear a snake as a necklace/bracelet and freak people out. heh.
Doug: I am Toe Girl.
Carla: erf!
Shaina: I will not be freaked by your snake. I will be a good friend to your snake.
You should have labelled it simply "Toed"
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