What Erin O'Brien actually looks like:

"Goddamn," said the anonymous Photoshop artist after completing this job, which took him over 125 hours. Despite his exhaustion, the artist was able to sit up and take a bit of weak tea before succumbing to a troubled sleep.
O'Brien's reaction to the before and after shots was mixed.
"What the hell do you expect?" said O'Brien of the untouched photo. "I had just screwed a goat!" After studying the Photoshop version of herself more closely, however, O'Brien reconsidered. "Shit!" she said. "Think this guy is available for full-body nudes?"
Details regarding additional work between O'Brien and the artist were not available.
Cute in both pics Erin, you are just so hot! ♥♥♥
NOW I can finally draw you...
Either way, just not after screwing a goat. ;-)
Me like the unphotoshopped O'Brian best.
EOB is what's sexy 'round here.
Peace punch and Captain Crunch
I know you are not takng a pole ~~I have to put my 2 cents in .The original is beautiful after le goat screwing, is by far the most alive , vibrant. The photoshop is a little dead.Having said that photoshop does have it's perks , maybe is Ann. had not changed your eye colour or made your hair so dark.Anyway , all in good fun ..happy longest daylight of the year day.
I wouldn't invite Ms. Photoshop over for wine and tapas - not enough character.
Real life, Erin. Keep it real!
you're hot.
Weren't you *just* complaining about Photoshopping women? Geez.
like you. Make me a child.
Nadina: I think she was taking a pole. The kind you are talking about is a poll.
poll pole who gives a fuck lol...that was funny though
You are bootiful in the raw! Rawrrr!
I think you look better with a nose than without.
Thanks Mone, need every vote of confidence I can get.
JT: Yeah? I'm smiling. Thanks.
Toby: But that goat was so tasty!
Sleepy: ruff! ruff! ruffruffruff!
Norm: Not exactly sure what you mean, but I'll take it as a compliment.
Nadina: I do look a bit botoxed in the touched photo. Plenty of wrinkles in photo b though.
Sxk: But she is younger and thinner than regular Erin.
Carla: Real is me. Me is real.
Anon: And in all the right places, baby. purrr.
Phil, baby, get I was trying to be ironic. Plus, I thought it was sort of funny and sweet that someone would do that after my photoshop rant.
Anon: POOF! You are a child.
j: *!*
Dongs: *groan*
n: Sorry, I can't do a thing with him.
Dogs: thanks. I sure was raw.
Farouk: I do like to keep my nose. I accidentally washed it off one day and christalmighty what a pain in the ass. I couldn't breathe and talk at the same time. Don't even get me started on eating while noseless.
I don't know about screwing a goat, but the unshopped version looks like you just swallowed some Nigerian yellow cake uranium.
(But, of course, Nigerians don't HAVE yellow cake uranium, or Uncle Scooter would still have his law license...or maybe they had it and you ate it, I don't know.)
Zen: That was uranium. Shit! Think I should stick my in a socket and see if the clothes dryer goes on?
HEY! That IS you!
The photoshopped Erin looks like she has two black eyes.
I'd still do her, though. Photoshopped or not, Erin is Erin.
Man. I'd like to make a MERK sandwich out of that.
Bostick: yeah yeah yeah, doublmint Erin here.
Hal: I am so thankful that you would do me! Hal would do me! I am one lucky girl.
merk: I'm-a the bun and you-a the cheese.
Younger and thinner - meh. I prefer curves and character, myself.
scintillating and seductive!
Wasn't it just one blog ago the author was bemoaning people putting up photoshopped pics of gals? ;)
i've been photoshopped to remove all the scars and clown tattoos.
I'd do EITHER Erin!
If Erin were a man or I were a woman, I'd go gay for her.
What's the difference?! They're both cuties.
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