Research indicates that one of the subtle attributes of what people find beautiful is symmetry. The more symmetrical a person's face is, the more attractive it is to most people.
Which is why I love this guy.
At first glance, he appears symmetrical, but when you study him (forgive my bad photography), you discover that he is completely asymmetrical. Hence, he is not what he appears to be, but in a unique way. He is a brilliant sleight of eye. If he really was a circus toss game, I imagine that was part of his trick.
I love that.
This framed art poster measures 24 by 38 inches. I know nothing about it. If anyone does know anything about it, do share.
I don't know anything about him, I do get the feeling I've seen 'him' somewhere before though.
Think he's a bit creepy to be honest!
Translated from French, the title is "The circue and the toy".
That should have been "the circus and the toy".
Interesting picture. He does look very symmetrical at first glance. I probably wouldn't have studied further if you hadn't mentioned it.
Mrs. Sleepydog actually hates symmetry, and so almost everything in our house and our life is an odd number..which, I suppose, is a symmetry all its own ...Hmmmm..
Sorry I've been such a lurker lately O'Brien, I've been reading and as always, your shit rocks my socks off all the time.
Sleepy hearts EOB...Big Hugs and Warm Cheap Beer :)
Can I call you "O'Brien" as if you were a student, worker, or person on my b-ball team? "O'Brien, we need those reports done by 5:00 or its your ass!"
This would make my life nearly perfect.
EBEZP: He's a bit creepy until yo uget to know him. Then he's just a big ol' lovable lug ...
Leslie: Thanks. I think that was the name of a show that this was part of. Dunno.
Carla: This is one of my favoritest favorites in the house. He hung in my office, but I spent too much time talking to him. Now He's in the living room.
Sleeps: hi guy!
R2K: No problem, boss, I'll have the reports on your desk pronto!
And boss? I'm sure sorry if I scared the rest of the guys in the bathroom. Jeepers, some people get awful jumpy over a grannie in her undies.
I don't know if it is the Stella I just had but the clown is picking my ass. Give me a ball...har har...
My face is like the great pumpkin from Charlie Brown!
that picture freaks me out too much to study it. sorry.
nadina: gimme some of that sugar, sugar.
bostick: Oh Great Pumpkin!
Shaina: He is a freaky freaker.
I just came back for another peak and noticed that a hit right between the legs is a #1. Hmm...
I know this is off topic and all.....and I'm not really much of a tagger....but you've been tagged!
So come on over to my place, baby, and check out the latest meme!
Yeah, I know..."not another meme!" But I would really love to read your answers to this one.
In biology we learn about something called lovetts law. Lyle Lovett has an off face, and his hair really adds to that I think. He is interesting because generally that would not be attractive. But as you can see, he is:
Awesome. There certainly is a perfection in this lil' dude's imperfections...a "perfect imperfection: as Lyle George would have sung (of the original Little Feat). Thanks for sharing!
Carla: Is #1 a high or low score? Dunno.
Dogs: tee-hee!
R2K: Hi boss. Took a peek at that photo you directed me to, boss, and I gotta tell you, I'd keep the lights off if you know what I mean--O'Brien out.
Fool: Bet he eats all the brown potato chips as well.
A sack can never be beautiful.
T. Gager
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