I apologize in advance.
As I stuffed the bird today, I simply could not help but being reminded of this extraordinarily pornographic post over at Jane's place.
The associated photo is one of those that is so pornographic, it somehow crests a hill and becomes no longer pornographic, but scientific or something--I'm not exactly sure what. Also note the look of vague indifference on the woman's face. It's as though she's checking to see if her shoe is tied.
Have a great holiday. Kiss the babies. And if you eff up the turkey, don't sweat it. Just make sure there's plenty of gravy and wine. That'll drown out any mistakes.
Damn. I'm at work and can't check out the pr0n.
I like the horny little glint in your eye . You've evidently just finished 'stuffin' the turkey'.
hahahhahahah..ehumm. JJ's pornographic image was...wow do people really do that? aNYHOO, NICE BIRD.
lot's to be thankful for ,#1 that my crotch is intact.
Happy Thanksgiving love!
I hope you dont shit your pants after eating too much!!
Like my new Avitar?
Toby made it for me.
He is cool and shit...
That turkey hole looks inviting too...
Happy Gobble O'Brien!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
That's a very pudendal looking turkey you've got there, Erin.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Bush gave himself a pardon today.
Happy Thanksgiving Erin.
What is Toby talking about?
Did I miss something in the news?
Dean. Now listen. DO NOT call sex "Stuffin the Turkey." NO. Just do not do it. If you do not cease and desist, the authorities will come and take you away.
Nadina: I agree. That pic makes me cringe and protectively cross my legs.
Bostick: Love the avatar. And you will be happy to know I have not suffered any incontrollable bowel movements despite having eaten too much.
Lipp: Thanks. And happy Lippobble to you!
DogsDon't Thanks. And here: purrrr.
Hal: It was good to eat, too!
Farouk: I, too, have played Apples to Apples and know of it's beguiling charm. Furthermore, it will please you to know that your prayers have been answered! My head is NOT bigger than the turkey.
Toby: Too bad the rest of the world will never pardon him.
Mone: Here's a pic of Dubya letting the bird ... erm ... off the hook.
I so toally thought about you when I took the pix I have...
Let me photobucket them or something so I can link them here...
I TOTALLY was thinking about you as I am like: pix, pls!
Hee hee.
I forGET about sleepydog's B-fast club blog.
I put my fashizzle over there.
Turkey=Phallic=Tell Erin
That turkey's opening nad the visible stuffing reminds me of a joke I saw on some movie. It starts with a guy getting out of prison and going straight to a whorehouse cause he was dying to go down on a chick. Bla, bla bla...and the punchline is "Yeah, the last guy down there threw up."
Didja see my guide to a memorable Thanksgiving? Too late for this year, but keep it in mind for next year. And this morning I posted a Chinese chicken salad recipe.
That image you linked . . . hmm. The word is "clinical", I think, rather than pornographic. I can imagine seeing that in a gynecologic journal, sans blood and patient's face, of course. But, is it pornographic? Would anyone get jollies looking at that photo? My own reaction: Hmm. Interesting. I wonder what she has done to her boyfriend's package . . .
god that takes me back to middle school with my pants down..... .... hold on.. ........... .........
can you post for me a closer shot of that turkery hole?
Funny how people who talk porn a lot... are actually among the more repressed....
~d: I love your bird pix. I love that you took pix of your bird. Then again, when you are up to your elbow in raw poultry, what else do you do other than yell at your dearly beloved to "hurry up and get the damn camera!"
Bug: What you have shared today has changed something for me. I'm not sure what and I'm not sure it's for the good, but it's changed something somehow.
Doug: You're right. Clinical. And for the record, I did not get jollies viewing the pic.
Johnny: No, I cannot post a closer shot of the turkey hole. Go to bed.
Chief: I am not repressed.
Oh yeah! Happy thanks giving!!
Yeah...I'm good at that. ;-)
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