Thursday, December 15, 2005

Erin O'Brien Naked

photo by D. Beloved.
Click to enlarge.


PDD said...

OMG! You are hilarious and a foxy lady!

If I were a lesbian or even bisexual I would rape you.

MsAmber said...

Ah ha ha ha haaa.
I can't believe you did it.
That's just great. And a good picture at that.


PDD said...

Now I would like you to pose in front of the chair. I think I can rally some backup from Pinky on this one.

Velvet Fog said...

May I borrow your chair?
I have made a mess of mine.

... said...

woohoo!! we can see you nekkid AND read your email!

Lelly said...

Lovely skin...great expression!

Anonymous said...

I don't have to click to enlarge. Just admiring your picture took care of that for me.

FLAMINGO1 said...

I clicked something...and it became enlarged!

Great HNT post!!! Do not, under any circumstances, loan Dongley your chair.

PDD said...

I like your toe ring as well.

Anonymous said...

ok. . . so the token lesbian reader of this site is sufficiently turned on. ..

FLAMINGO1 said...

Next stop...AREOLA!!!!!

Velvet Fog said...

I think flamingo meant to say that he wants to see some Polynesian cartography next week.

Velvet Fog said...

I went ahead and made a map of the Great Lakes in your honor. It was quite a challenge, but I was able to manage. That Lake Superior was a beatch.

that girl said...

*insert wolf whistle*

PDD said...

My Areola's are perfect; not too dark, nor too light. And just for the record, I didn't have to click and enlarge either. My nipples morphed into erasers. And my areola's kissed and licked them, and now I'm satisfied.

I believe my Areola's have to now confess to a pedophile. My appointment is at 3:00pm

Anonymous said...

How can I love you if you won't lie down?

garrett said...


now THAT is visiting the topic in earnest. but no wonder you get so cold writing at night.

Erin O'Brien said...

Sometimes you have to give the people what they want.

One other note: typing the sentence "Click to enlarge," might have been the most satisfying act of my life.

Blondie... said...

Ok, found you by way of Femi Mommy...

Very sexy picture and I love the toe ring!

FLAMINGO1 said...

All this talk from PDD about lovely muffins and perfect it just talk?? Erin has offered up skin. PDD - only empty words.

Erin, will your chair be auctioned on E-Bay? Dongley, you'd better get your credit card limit bumped up!

Erin O'Brien said...

Believe me, Stephanie, I knew your identity from the get go. But I've been so busy fighting off the Yanomamos, that I've barely had time to catch my breath.

I might add that it's about darn time you showed up. As you can see, I've got quite a lot on my hands here, what with all the gentlmen callers and all. I need all the help I can get.

I look forward to your frequent visits.



Have you seen Annie or Carmen lately?

FLAMINGO1 said...

The Gap Band rocks. Don't go there, Lil Ms. Hart to Hart.

#1 Dancer said...
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#1 Dancer said...

I was actually doing a Google search for "porn", "enlarge", and "naughty nads". This site was at the top...

Christopher55 said...

Erin O'Brien is cutting edge again ... but somehow I don't see chairs as fashion-attire becoming the next rage.

PDD said...

Pinky, I'm not all empty words, i'm all type in blogosphere. I'm all mouth full when I greet my husband after work in the car driving home. We almost get in accidents every evening. And when I correspond with you and the rest, I'm at work. I don't exactly have the liberty to strip naked and post pictures of my glorious self on my blog. My co-workers will rape me, and then my husband will kill them. And then my husband will kill me for posting naked pictures of myself on my blog. And then I will be in the dog house where sex is concerned, and then I would have to shoot myself. My mother is horrible at funerals. I would never do that to my mother. So essentially, it's my mothers fault that I don't post any naked pictures of my glorious self.

Velvet Fog said...

I've shot myself a few times.
It can be a little disconcerting for a Professional Polynesian cartographer like myself to do something so bush league.

Drea said...

Hey Erin. Who is the person in your avitar profile pic? Is that you? Cause this naked lady doesnt look like the same person. Which ones real! :-)

Erin O'Brien said...

Drea, believe me, both pix are me and both pix are real. Also, no photoshop here (I used the chair instead).

PDD said...

Erin, I think after Drea reads your "In The Word" post, she wont revisit. Take it from me. She voted for the antichrist.

FLAMINGO1 said...

Drea, it is sort of like Superman. When the glasses are on, she is like Clark Kent. Take the glasses (and the clothes) off and she is like Superman. Glasses are such a good disguise that we wouldn't even know that Erin was Erin if Erin hadn't told us.

Drea said...

Well Erin your very pretty :-) Its just amazing how different you look in the naked pic. I agree w/ Flamingo its like the superman thing ;-) pretty neat.

PDD has nothing better to say than insults towards me. Jealousy is a terrible thing PDD please try and move on.

PDD said...


If you can not find it in you to distinguish Jealously from reality, I will move on.


Drea is: E) All of the above.

Drea said...

um ok?

Erin O'Brien said...

You people absolutely mystify me.

Nicole said...

WHOAH!!!! What a shot!!!!

One day, I'll have the courage to do something like that...but I doubt I'll ever post it online. ;)

Anonymous said...

viewed immedietly after gym.
will comment as soon as i am sure there wasn't a new 12ga shotgun under xmas tree for eric.

Anonymous said...

oops, i guess i mean "immediately"

Anonymous said...

A haiku for erin:

look across south green
you'll see that smile and wonder
why you fucked her over

Erin O'Brien said...

well well well, then.

who have we here?

Anonymous said...

Webcam in background
My mind envies its view point
Naked back on web.

jurassicpork said...

Oh, sweetheart, I knew there was a reason I was proud to be Irish!

God bless Erin O'Brien and the United States of America! More nude pics!

(cue John Philip Sousa music)

henri Banks said...

....and ten years later i see this pic in the web my god i wish i had more time ....

Dax Montana said...

Just Damn! Now I'll be sure to read this Blog everyday. Hell, I might even buy your book too.

Anonymous said...

You are one freaky Domestic Goddess. Now, do you know how to remove protein stains from cotton?

Anonymous said...

p.s. Cotton is my pet sheep.

Anonymous said...

Two nights ago in Australia, a television show about Lewis Morley. His whole life has been dogged by this photograph he took in 1963.
arrived here via ~river~ and ~d (tilde)

waltzing ma~a

Anonymous said...

Writers are perverts.

Timothy Gager, writer

The Leonard Files said...

Yeah, I did click on "Erin O'Brien Naked" - I couldn't help myself. And yeah, I do fancy you Erin....good luck with the webcam naked fest.

Felix said...

I say this in jest, because I know it ain't ever gonna happen, but...

Will you marry me???

DykesDog said...

Very Classy. Nice!

Baron Ectar said...

Wow, hell I am really loving Thursdays! Nice VERY Nice!

nina said...

When I saw this link on the front page I just had to click it! Mmmm, so glad I did too, cutie!


Anonymous said...

I always feel naked without MY hat too...

Anonymous said...

Holy shit am I glad I happened to notice that link! I don't even know what else to say.

Anonymous said...

You're still ugly as hell! Please go away Miss Earth Mother Hippie Chick...

Anonymous said...

Hi there. Mind if I drop my pants and everything else in the same fashion? Don't want you to be lonely. ;)

Kirk said...

Ahem...just happened to notice that title in the archives...don't listen to anonymous...stay, Miss Earth Mother Hippie Chick, stay...

Jim said...

This puts me in mind of The Girl With the Faraway Eyes!

Mr. Green said...

LMAO, as promised. I just saw this on the side with greatest hits and had to see what the buzz was about. Well worth it.

Anonymous said...

After carefully checking out your profile, i found that you age doesn't match your looks.

SilkyHolly said...

Hello, Erin

Very Sexy photo. You look very sweet and I like how down to earth your blogging is. I will talk to you soon!!


Unknown said...

I thought of course she won't be naked, but she'll have something funky here...but you are NAKED! Albeit with a chair for comfort...well done, go girl.

shady80baby said...

Your a real hustler

SilkyHolly said...

No, she is probably wearing panties, but it looks real. LOL


Mr. Fortune said...

hot hot hot HOT!!!!!!!
next time, dont use a chair

Bill said...

now, all you need is a pickup truck and some righteous indignation.

Anonymous said...

Ave Erin!

You are a sight that would make the Pope kick a hole in a stained-glass window — just to get a better view.

«Civis Tammsiensis»

Clover said...

I’m very glad to found this website because; it carries awesome and actually good data in favor of readers.
