Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Extreme. Human. Love.

 * * *


LoDoKid said...

As Dave Letterman would say, 'They blew the roof off the dump.'

Anonymous said...

It's been nearly an hour since the end of that clip and I'm still searching for words. It's sublime and fabulous.

The "Ode to Joy" is one of the most uplifting pieces of music that has ever been written. After the energy and dynamics, the tidal waves, of the first three movements, a moment of quiet and then those simple notes set up that transcendently gorgeous melody. For myself at least, it instills a sense of well-being, security and peace.

The producers of this gem are incredibly skillful-did anyone notice that in the overhead shots there is zero sign of the presence of the ground-level cameras? A detail like that doesn't happen by accident.

Thank you, Erin, for posting this. We always love you, but sometimes 'I just love you a little bit more*'

Mike Robeson...

* That line-'I just love you a little bit more'-comes to me courtesy of Jon Anderson.

Anonymous said...

Is there an echo in here-ere-ere?

A moment after I hit send on my previous post the fourth of the Ninth came drifting in to me from the next room. Thinking I was having an aural hallucination I walked into the room to find the melody is part of the soundtrack for the new "Die Hard" movie.

There are no coincidences. I'll be stopping by a friendly local retailer to pick up a new* copy of the Ninth. Today. God told me to.


*My old one hasn't been seen for almost two years. I think it was in a briefcase stolen out of my car almost two years ago. It's a shame, because I'm pretty sure the thief wouldn't have gotten any enjoyment from my taste in music.

Erin O'Brien said...

Just watched this again and I swear tears streamed down my face.

rraine said...

i saw this recently, and cried, cried, cried. if this doesn't touch your heart, well,then, i guess you don't have one.

Anonymous said...



Michael Lawless said...

If this doesn't bring a tear, you must be a compassionate Republican (my now favorite oxymoron).

Goodcarver said...

I saw this clip on another site last week, but thank you very much for showing it to me, anyway. The power and beauty of that music is something I need to experience frequently.

Cleveland Bob said...

Me crying too.

What IS it about this piece of music that fills one with such emotion?

Thanks, Erin. You're the ginchiest.

Bill said...

Nicely done but I was disappointed by the lack of diversity in the crowd, the orchestra, and the chorus. I think it's Spain. Right? Otherwise it could be a Tea Party gathering.

absintheminded said...

I am glad I wasn't the only one with the sniffles, just beautiful in it's wholesomeness.

Anonymous said...

"Nicely done but I was disappointed by the lack of diversity in the crowd, the orchestra, and the chorus. I think it's Spain. Right? Otherwise it could be a Tea Party gathering."-Bill.
Any resemblance this event has to a Tea Party gathering is purely coincidental. I suspect there are multiple nationalities represented and most of those people are probably polyglots, automatically disqualifying them from Tea Party membership.


Erin O'Brien said...

I can't stop watching this clip. The entire thing is an unconditional gift of sublime beauty.

This, my friends, is what it looks like when you actually get a little closer to heaven.

Deodand said...

I like the quick shot of the tympani player retuning his drums. If you move them you have to tune them. If you move them over pavement, you really have to tune them.

philbilly said...

Best screen name ever: "Absintheminded."