Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Too windy for the Zippo?

My mom Judy O'Brien employing a not-so-portable lighter circa 1967.

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Anonymous said...

big time Like!

Big Mark 243 said...

well it is easy to see where you get your good looks from..!

(who did your Mom ask for a light... Fred Flintsone..?)

Judy said...

Be careful using those lighters in the wind...especially with long hair...

Jon Moore said...

That was back in the day when smokin' women smoking was sexy. Hiya Mrs. O'B.

DogsDontPurr said...

Remember long ago, before toys were safe, and you could get a science experiment kit with little vials of real chemicals? And you could also get the super cool wood burning art kit? It came with something like a soldering iron, and you burned your groovy designs into little slabs of highly flammable wood. (Discerning parents encouraged their children's artistic development this way. The possibility of burning the house down, be damned!)

Clearly, Erin, your mother was a master of a higher, more professional version of the wood burning art kit.

Finally, the art world gets a glimpse into Erin's artistic upbringing. Much like Picasso's father was a painter, your mother was also a discerning master of her own talents. Genious~!

twinkly sparkles said...

I wish it was still sexy to smoke. And cool, I wish it was still cool to smoke.
And your mom is looking great here, everything great. Classy and bold and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is the Great American Smokeout.


Nin Andrews said...

Wow, what a mom! Jeepers. Like mama like daughter.

Craig Hughes said...

Aren't old pics great. I know we will be hitting the albums and slides at some point over the holidays.

Kirk said...

Remember when we were young and carefree and 44-year old photographs were always in black-and-white?

Hal said...
