Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Flint's Hypnotic Skirt Dance

Dear Readership,

Busy with other tasks, your humble hostess invites you to use the comment section as an open thread. Feel free to discuss today's graphic, the second amendment, best methods for marital aid employ, the intrepid debt panel and their thankless work, your weekend menu, free speech, any of the distinguished array of Republican Presidential candidates (aka Mitt Romney and the Seven Ugly Fucklings), or a topic of your choosing.

If you've gotten this far and don't feel like commenting but still feel hungry, here's some suggestions:

If you'd like to read something funny and political and high octane, go dig this shit.

If you'd like to read something disturbing and short and lingering, go dig this flash.

If you'd like to read something sexy and complex and mysterious, go dig this list.

Enjoy the weekend.

* * *


danb said...

This has little to do with your post, but I could not help notice the tweet on the right, where you admit that you talk to yourself using the J man as an epithet.

Normally, I will say "Jesus effing Christ" when I get disgusted, but when I am confronted with abject, perverse stupidity, I reserve a special curse- "Jesus H Titty Effing Christ Chex". Quite the calmative, that.


Erin O'Brien said...

Jesus H Titty Effing Christ Chex.

Bill said...

To Bridgett Callahan: Let's pretend that you like old guys and my wife liked the idea of the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry David's wife let's him have a one night stand.

Bridget Callahan said...

Bill, let's pretend first you can spell my name right, because it's in huge letters at the top of my page :P

Erin, let's pretend that "sexy complex and mysterious" means "kind of crazy and disillusioned and probably never going to get a date again." :)

Bill said...

Bridget: Let's pretend that I actually LOOKED at your name, left it up on the screen and STILL spelled it wrong, and that you didn't mind.

Jim said...

Wasn't there a movie called "Kill Bill"? How did it end?

Jim said...

BTW, Erin, I loved your diversions off to All You Need To Know About Politics and of course, Bridget Callahan, who I suspect is brilliant in ways many of us might not even imagine.

Kirk said...

Can you give us some information on that poster. It looks 19th century-early 20th century (before the 1920s). Is it describing some kind of vaudville cross-dressing act? If so, the Victorian Era was less repressed than advertised. Or maybe this is a consequence of it being TOO repressed.

Erin O'Brien said...

Hola, gang!

I'm about to go fool around with the pots and pans, Kirk, but I downloaded it from here. That ought to give you a lead or two.

Bill said...

OKATB: It has taken years of grueling practice but I have learned to defend myself against the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. The next Movie? Blow Bill.

Jim said...

Blow Bill... would that be as in "up"? And the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique was always a mainstay, but has been replaced by the de-molecularizer. Nothing left but cosmic dust. It's one of my favorites, especially when I'm in traffic.

joanne said...

Kirk I was curious too and started googling. Turns out he was a highly regarded hypnotist at the time and it appears he is from Cleveland! I have not figured out the bit about the dresses yet though...

Bill said...

Hero worship. Joe Paterno. I've always been reluctant to worship or idolize any person that I didn't know extremely well. This Penn State thing reinforces my take on the subject.

Bill said...

Mr and Mrs Flint are the same person, I think, and Kirk is right, that this was an early female impersonator show, sort of like Finochio in SF.

Kirk said...

If this was a true drag show, I'd think the men would wear wigs and have no facial hair. Since the act does involve hypnosis, maybe male volunteers from the audience were hypnotised into putting on dresses and dancing around. I'm just guessing.

Bill said...

The Flints

Anonymous said...

@ all...If you ever find it necessary or momentarily expedient to cast the Lord's name in a negative light, I suggest the advice given to me by my really cool pastor...end your comment with "give me strength" are no longer taking His name in vain, you are praying for his strength in prayer. He Digs that...

Anonymous said...

@ Bridget, and also Erin...the mundane fantasy is often the most realistic...

VideoDude said...

Hey Erin,

Have you ever thought of self publishing? I believe you have a book that is unpublished. How about making it available online? I would pay $2 or $3 dollars for a Novel written by The O'Brien. By the way, I am buying "Harvey And Eck". I am ashamed to admit I don't already own it.

Bill said...

Does anyone want to comment on the demise of the occupy movement? I guess I just did.

Craig Hughes said...

Bridget darling...It's like reading The French Lieutenant's Woman but starting about 2/3's of the way through and the social media invaded lower England in the 1870s. Maybe, or more like my personal social life is actually not as bad as I thought. All good to me.

VideoDude said...

@Bill: We see what happens when you protest the wealthy and the banks in this country. These people have been non-violent and it has been the police who brought the violence to the situation. I guess it is Okay to carry guns to political rallies as long as you are against our current President. But peacefully protest the banks and wealthy...

Anonymous said...

Moderator: Bill is inclined to digress into ad hominem attacks on dead Marxist Revolutionairies than address the issue of oppression of free speech and assembly among the poor and disenfranchised.

(Really RJ, but I can dream)

Bill said...

VD, It's ok to bring a gun if you don't use it illegally.

Moderator, Someone else actually brought up Che, the murderer. I just commented on the other persons commentary.

Anonymous said...


No one brought up Che the Murderer, Coward, Scumbag and Hero but you. I used a quote by him to explicate my belief that efforts to repress the OWS 99% will be futile. Look up EQUIVOCATION.

Moderator: Sorry Bill, you lose.

Now, per my previous commitment to the readership of this here blog, I must go for supplemental anal waxing and bleaching as a consequence for thinking the commenter named Bill could in engage in useful discourse.

My offer stands. Anytime you want to sit face to face in a public arena before an audience of our peers and discuss economic and social justice I will do my level best to oblige. Until then I suggest the readership visit this location for intellectual stimulation on the level of Bill/RJ "debate."

kim jong-il looking at things


Anonymous said...

It seems like the "demise of the occupy movement" is greatly exaggerated and somewhat premature.

Anonymous said...

“NYPD Occupying Liberty Square; Demands Unclear”-OWS Website


Gregg Levine tells us, based on a BBC interview of Mayor Quan of Oakland, that as some readers and this blogger speculated last night, the police action was a national, coordinated effort. This is a more serious development than one might imagine. Reader Richard Kline has pointed out that one of the de facto protections of American freedoms is that policing is local, accountable to elected officials at a level of government where voters matter.

National coordination vitiates the notion that policing is responsive to and accountable to the governed. Even though the blog the Stranger gives a tidbit from the Seattle mayor, who did not participate in the crackdown, that the effort was coordinated through the US Conference of Mayors, it is not hard to imagine that there was more that a little bit of, erm, help from the Feds. Gregg points out that New York city police chief Ray Kelly has a tight relationship with the CIA and the FBI. Homeland Security has also trying to increase its influence over police forces in major cities. It is not hard to imagine it playing a role in this effort as well. And this of course makes a farce of the sympathetic noises from Teleprompter (hat tip reader Bob Falfa for the coinage)

Bill said...

The Occupy Movement: STD's, feces and urine, rape, suicide, murder, drug dealing, anti sematism, nuisance for local business, head and body lice, and non stop drumming. Keep hope alive!

Anonymous said...

"As usual, the playground rumor mill has some of the facts straight, but misses the point altogether"-Lisa Simpson

Bill said...

Let's get those facts straight and make sure we don't miss the point. We're the 99 but I'm thinking #2

Anonymous said...

The Occupy Movement: STD's, feces and urine, rape, suicide, murder, drug dealing, anti sematism, nuisance for local business, head and body lice, and non stop drumming. Keep hope alive!

11:41 PM- Bill

This cynical takedown of people trying to do something about Poverty in America seems to beg the question "How does this community differ from America? or in the alternative "How does this community differ from your neighborhood?" Perhaps I should file a complaint and have it closed down.

"Send us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be long as they wash their hands before every meal. Oh yeah and brush and floss."


Anonymous said...

Nevermind. I know the answer. Bill lives on the moral high ground.


Erin O'Brien said...

The readership's humble hostess is glad to see the readership forge bravely on in her absence as the readership's humble hostess is up to her ass in actual work.

Anonymous said...

@ Bill-as is not unusual with you, your link doesn't even get the facts the disclaimer about the first, most outrageous photo, at the bottom of your link.
wv: 'braingra'...makes your head harder?

Anonymous said...

Bill subscribes to Glenn Beck Fact Check.Org. How could he be wrong?


Anonymous said...

Flag Desecration.



Anonymous said...

Thesaurus Smut:
The thesaurus can be fun, educational, and titillating.

'Occupy' is archaic English slang for sexual congress.

Thus, "Occupy Wall Street"=Fuck Wall Street.

I hope this gets a few giggles.


Anonymous said...

That would be as opposed to the Thesaurus Slut that that I was ogling
in the reference library yesterday.


Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

OKTH, In all honesty, who cares? Anyway, check in once in a while when you are bored with being righteous. Maybe you'll find another troll comment to get you excited.

Jim said...

Bill, a martini and a half. Sorry.

Bill said...

Badgering is acceptable in blog commentary.