Number of keys on my keychain: 7
Number of steps between our downstairs and upstairs: 10
Number of days I've had my Mini Cooper: 2,550
Number of Goats I've married: 1
Number of calls I've received on my cell phone since June 1, 2010: 13
Number of calls I've received on my cell phone from the Goat since June 1, 2010: 7
Number of calls I've received on my cell phone from Lil' OB since June 1, 2010: 2
Number of calls I've received on my cell phone from numbers I don't recognize since June 1, 2010: 4
Number of Jelly Bellies in Planet Jupiter Eating Space Jelly Bellies.Crayola on paper, 2008, by Lil' OB: 9

Number of days I've been alive: 16,518
Number of days my dad was alive: 23,627
Number of days my brother was alive: 12,378

Number of songs in my iTunes library: 3,049
Number of books I've written: 4
Number of books I've published: 1
Number of my published books that's out of print: 1
Number of hairbrushes in my bathroom vanity: 3
Number of jigsaw puzzles I own: 41
Number of marital aids I own: (undisclosed)
Number of miles I usually walk: 5
Number of novels my brother wrote: 4
Number of novels my brother published: 1
Number of my brother's novels published posthumously: 3

Number of turds the generated by bunny each day: 2,700 (estimate)
Number of articles I've written for these people: 57
Number of dollars they pay me per article: 15
Number of days my dad's been dead: 2,796
Number of days my brother's been dead: 5,916
Number of days my daughter's been alive: 4,871
Number of tears I've cried:
Number of days until tomorrow: 1
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Sorry folks--particularly to those who left kind words--but I need to close the comment section.
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Sorry folks--particularly to those who left kind words--but I need to close the comment section.
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