And what you will read therein, people, is 100 percent true as usual. Why is my life this way?
By some happy coincidence, there is also a story in this week's Free Times by Lee Chilcote about raising, eating and renting goats. Why, it's a bonafide Free Times GoatFest. Yay!
And since I'm link-happy today, thanks to Cinematographer David Litz for this letter about my work. If you have something to say about this week's assorted goats and Jelly Bellies, email Free Times Editor Frank Lewis. Please include your full name and city.
Well done Erin!
You've single handedly secured sponsorship for the Jelly Belly Pro Cycling team for at least another year!
now i want jelly bellies.
if you're ever in CA, go up to sacramento and go to the factory. it is SO COOL and then afterwards you can buy "belly flops" (misshapen jelly beans) for uber-cheap.
did you know that jelly bellies are the only jelly bean with flavor all the way through? hence why they're so amazing.
anyways. <3
"Goats do Roam" is a weird name for a wine.
It's a whole sentence.
Why not just call it "Capetown Pride" or "Horn of Africa" or something like that?
Rose' is also weird.
A LONG time ago I was a bartender and ran out of the house rose and was too lazy to change the keg and so I just mixed red and white until it looked like rose, and nobody said anything.
I am sure there are some good roses, but if you are going to have rose I would probably suggest Berringer White Zinfandel instead.
I like Zinfandel because it can only be grown in the United States so Frogs can grow it in France.
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