Whenever I have an empty egg carton, I can't just throw it in the trash. I have to tear it into four parts, which I then nest as snugly as possible. Just crushing it is totally unacceptable.
If someone takes an empty egg carton and just tosses it in the trash, I will retrieve it in order to break it down as illustrated above.
Can you imagine the hell paper plates and cups are for me? The thought of them all disorganized in the trash drives me nuts. When I clear paper plates, I still scrap all the debris onto the top plate so I can stack them nicely. I rinse and stack plastic cups and put them in the recycle bin. I also nest empty cans whenever possible.
Everyone tsk-tsk's the trunk on the Mini Cooper, but I never have any trouble fitting what I need into my car.
I actually like bagging my own groceries. I do it very quickly and with maniacal procedure. The square paper bags were much better for boxed items, but I sort of like the plastic bags for meat and cheese.
I think all of this a "six degree separation" byproduct of being 5' 1" tall.
Can you say "OCD"???
Yea, I know you can. . .
I don't know about that.
I'm only 4'10" and I have no problem throwing things away willy nilly.
Yes, I said willy nilly.
I think it's more about how I hate to waste anything, particularly space. I am weird that way. I couldn't care less about diamonds, but I really value space.
At 4'10" you're the best use of space around, GH!
I am also 5'1" tall but I burn the egg cartons. However as they are waiting for their kindling topped death in the wood stove, they are all opened and stacked together.
Erin's 4 inches SHORTER than moi?
By the way ...
Hi, I'm Ms. Stacker. Pleased to make your Nesting acquaintance.
I am obsessive when it comes to putting dishes in the sink to be washed. If they are neatly stacked and arranged, it makes for a much more efficient wash job. My significant other, however, seem to think it's just fine to pile them in there any which way. So we have the sink wars! But I have managed to arrive at somewhat of a truce: if he puts them in there all kitty~wampus...*he* gets to wash them!
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