Today is the Goat's birthday, so I am busy making a nice dinner for him and chasing a couple of deadlines as well. Hence, in lieu of an elaborate post I thought I'd offer up this vintage photo of yours truly on the day of my high school graduation.
Feel free to comment on the warm demeanor this image exudes or suggest a caption.
"Just snap the fucking picture already."
You were so cute! You don't look old enough to be graduating.
Happy Birthday Goat. Chris' is this weekend. She and Goat could commiserate about what it's like to have a December birthday.
Is that the doorbell!?!?!?!?!
Crikey, that thing must have awakened the dead.
This picture cracks me up. It is so NOT ME.
How's this for a caption: My mother says there is no such thing as a female orgasm and I believe her.
"H.S. Graduate. Have organ. Need Monkey. Work Cheap."
you look so young, but just as gorgeous as today lol.
i wasn't even a twinkle in my momma's eye when that was taken...hehee. had to rub it in.
"Let's get this damn thing overwith so I can at least catch the last half hour of Falcon Crest."
"Zombie Graduate Erin O'Brien disapproves of your shenanigans."
Is that the doorbell or a couple of massive bongs?
PS: Graduate of Lakewood's High (tee hee)
PPS: REO Speedwagon ROOOOOLZ!!!
PPPS: Are you hanging at Winterhurst after??
Could I get you to pose next to my organ pipe?
You were pretty then, but you're even prettier now! :) You don't look very happy in that pic, though...
"I want you all to know that I'm taking the names of everyone who's laughing."
"I actually flunked gym, but nobody found out.
Ha! I'm so sly!"
Kamper had the same 1st thought as I. It happens to be the 1957 Kirby v200 hand cranked Power Blunger, with his & hers snork pipes, optional foot treadles and patented Blowshot™ action.
Erin's parents always enjoyed Jazz.
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