Thursday, May 17, 2007

56 seconds of dumbness and the word "cock."

Entertain your lovely selves with this. I'm still over at Ed's place espousing my love for books, men and "cocks."


JBoombostick said...

Are you smoking Marijuana again?

Chickie Carmarthen said...

I missed the 'cock'...

Larry said...

I'm drawn to contemplating my own thingy...OK (blushingly) COCK and the joys and disappointments that it has provided over the decades. It occurs to me that I rather like the word. It has kind of an earthiness about it that "dick" lacks. Cock is to dick as cunt is to pussy...
As I grow older, I appreciate earthiness more. Trimmed, FDSed, and perfumed sexuality doesn't appeal. As her forester said to Lady Chatterly, in response to her question, "Cunt is what th'art, fuck is what I get when I am in thee". (or something like that)