Friday, March 30, 2007

Good Vibrations


Lil Toni said...

You ain't rite.
psssttt...Mine's bigger n yours.

Bugwit said... matter what you do, it keeps turning and pointing at YOU!


Toby said...

"Seriously I thought you'd take my gift." said Yoda. :)

josh williams said...


Whitenoise said...

Cool! What else does it do?

BirdMadGirl said...


(formerly known as Sullen Girl)

Erin O'Brien said...

Toni: It wasn't the size of this lil' guy that grabbed me. It was his gosh-darn "I think I can" attitude.

Bug: Actually, given the battery power, I think he'd go all the way to Pensacola.

Toby: God, what a great link.

1900-1920: Vibrators were advertised in Home Needlework Journal as a health and relaxation aid with which "all the pleasures of youth will throb within you."

Who said great-grandma was in the dark?

JW: Rosebud.

Whitenoise. Makes a helluva potato salad. AND drives the kids to soccer.

Valyna: Cool. You now have something in common with the artist formerly known as Prince. And your symbol is a lot easier to replicate.

Chickie Carmarthen said...

You are NUTS woman - but I keep coming back so what does that make me???

Helen Mansfield said...

A lovely performance piece.

Does it do the tango?

Erin, you're just so damn adorable!

Felix said...

When I saw the name "Good Vibrations", I thought, Oh no... what is she going to do now?

Then I saw the vibeo-- er, I mean video (Freudian slip)... I couldn't stop laughing for fifteen minutes.

Erin, you are da bomb.

Erin O'Brien said...

EVERYONE: The rest of the story: I was going through a closet and there was a bag chock full of old gag gifts and dirty books and crap--including this thing. I dumped the whole mess into a garbage bag and handed it to the Goat.

"Immediate disposal, please," I said.

As he was turned to step out into the garage and throw it into the trash, we hear this humming. It was this lil' vibrator. He wasn't going down without a fight, no sir! He hadturned himself on without any help at all.

I figured it was a sign or something, so I made this vid and I must say, it is one of my favorites. I love how it moves around the desk. How it pirouettes for me when placed on end!!


Onto your comments.

Chickie: You are clearly crazed like I am. That is why we do what we do here at the Owner's Manual: to justify insane behavior.

Helen: Exactly. This is performance art. And just like anything tastes great when you're hungry, any girl looks great with a vibrator.

Felix: Honestly, darling, what would I do without you? I hereby declare "Vibeo" to be the word of the day. Thank you for that.

Toby said...

I suck. Happy Happy Happpy birthday. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Anonymous said...


dean said...

It looks like it was searching for something... looking... looking... perhaps for somewhere warm and moist...

Jon said...

Ride that rocketship to the moon baby

BirdMadGirl said...

Birthday lovins to you :)

Renee Somebody said...

Belated happy birthday wishes to you! You have the cutest mischievous smile through this video ;) And the little vibrator that could did seem attracted to you...

PDD said...


I know it was March 31st!

Wow! that little sucker turned on all by itself.

He sounds a little too powerful.

Erin O'Brien said...

Toby: You don't suck. Thanks.

Anon: Very astute. Does this make me an honorary Barker Beauty?

Dean: He is like a little explorer, no?

Jon: Or to the grocery store, maybe.

Valyna: Why thanky, ma'am.

Renee: Thanks. He is cute. For a vibrator.

PDD: Thanks. And that is no lie, it turned on right in the bag on the way to the garbage. How funny is that?

jamwall said...

i heard that vibrators like to migrate south for the winter.


SIMON said...

That is so funny that vid I've completely forgotten why I came over here. Oh yes a little bird told me it was your birthday so happy birthday!
Never met you before and you introduce your vibrator to me! Well Hello!
BTW did I forget to mention you are gorgeous!
Come over to mine whenever you want you will always be welcome!

Jon said...

Driving while cumming could be hazardous to your health... not to mention the other people on the road

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

I don't think I've ever seen a clothed woman have that much fun with a vibrator.

Erin O'Brien said...

jam: After I made the vid, this one packed up and headed out. Called me on his cell a day later, was 25 miles north of Atlanta.

ebezp: Welcome. And thanks and thanks again. I've always said that pulling out the ol' vibrator is an excellent way to break the ice. See, it worked again!

Jon: Good advice for everyone who stops by the Owner's Manual, myself included. I'll remember to keep this happy little guy strapped in safely next to me while the metal's on the pedal.

Doug: Thanks. And I'm delighted to hear you have experience with nekkid women and battery powered wiggly worms.

thewriterslife said...


Hedy De Vine said...

You are f-ing hilarious. Seriously, your expression almost made me pee a little. But I don't think that's good for the vibrator's finish....

Hope said...

it's like a heat seeking missle baby...

Da Nator said...

Hey, just pop some little plastic football players on to that thing and you may be getting somewhere...