"Viagra Falls cascade" Love it, as always Erin, you are literary genious.
I live not far from the original Play Boy club in Lake Geneva, it changed hands long ago. But when I was in high school we had a ski outting there. We didn't see much except for the occasional bunny hopping quickly from the "gentlemans" club into the commoners cafeteria and back out again, but a lot of hell broke loose after the wind broke loose that my school took a "field trip" to the Playboy Club.
Hm. That half-plus-seven thing is rankling with me... It means I have to go out with someone - well - not QUITE Hugh Hefner's age, but we're definitely talking free bus pass! I can't believe ANYBODY would take that seriously. It's a real-life version of airbrushing.
You said 'pudendum' in print.
As you already know, I agree with every word you said.
Digitally-altered hoo-hahs are the devil's playground.
hahaha, good story and good point Erin.
Hilarious, snappy and well written as always, but the "implants as grapefruits" part is, well, low-hanging fruit.
Brilliant as always, Ms. O'Brien. "I take my hand off to you," as Mike Tyson once said.
Was it blue? It? What? My God, does Viagra dye your spew blue?
"Viagra Falls cascade" Love it, as always Erin, you are literary genious.
I live not far from the original Play Boy club in Lake Geneva, it changed hands long ago. But when I was in high school we had a ski outting there. We didn't see much except for the occasional bunny hopping quickly from the "gentlemans" club into the commoners cafeteria and back out again, but a lot of hell broke loose after the wind broke loose that my school took a "field trip" to the Playboy Club.
I know I'm not the last to visit, but I have to Grrrrrrrrrrr before I go to bed.
Amen, sister!
Hm. That half-plus-seven thing is rankling with me... It means I have to go out with someone - well - not QUITE Hugh Hefner's age, but we're definitely talking free bus pass! I can't believe ANYBODY would take that seriously. It's a real-life version of airbrushing.
There is one word for women with no pudendal cleft.
here, here, hal
well said
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