The iSi Orca oven mitt is constructed from food grade silicone that has a heat resistance of up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The hygienic material is both dishwasher safe and machine washable. Available in translucent, red, raspberry ice, aqua, vanilla ice, blue and yellow (shown), the mitt comes in both 12" (shown) and 17" lengths.
The ribbed, slip-resistant design is crafted from silicon that is 1/8" thick and protects hands from grills, charcoal, fat and oil. The waterproof design provides a substantial barrier between flesh and both boiling water and oil.
Wetness does not diminish the mitt's performance.
The silicone material is both oven safe and flexible. The iSi Orca oven mitt will not deteriorate or stain on contact with heat.
Fits either hand. Imported.
Original Orca: 11.5"L x 5"W x 2.5"D. Suggested retail price: $19.99
Extra-long Orka: 17"L x 5"W x 2.5"D. Suggested retail price: $29.99
Heat resistant up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
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This is the light and the truth. This is the sound of falling water.
That is a spectacular picture of you Erin!!
I am reminded of the movie Fight Club, where the Tyler Durden II (Played by Brad Pitt) opens the bedroom door to the original Tyler Durden (Edward Norton) to reveal Marla hanging in her post consummated bliss while Tyler Durden II (Brad Pitt) wears a yellow dish glove.
This is too funny!
You had me at the cleavage.
I believe this entry would have been more appropriately debuted on Thursday.
Not that I'm complaining.
This picture screams out: HANDJOB.
I guess since I am in Molokai, and you are there. I'll have to do the honors.
what did you write?
i was staring at the picture...
with you in that outfit and wearing those gloves i would be like putty in your hands
well more like ceramic actually
i cant take that much heat
PDD: My Dearly Beloved and I have never performed coitus while I was wearing the gloves. As for the hardhat .... well ....
Hal: But can I keep you through the night?
Garrett: No girl is nekkid, or even half nekkid, as long as she's got her lipstick on. And I have my lipstick on in the pic!
Dong: I would be happy to send the mitts along in order to ... erm ... lend a hand, but you'd already be finished with the task by the time they got there.
Jamwall: No worries, luv. The pic is worth a thousand words.
Satan: Baby! I'll turn the setting down to simmer for you, how's that?
500 degrees Fahrenheit? Must get pretty hot in your kitchen.
Was it hard to get dressed with those gloves on, har~har..I like to live on the edge and use dish towels that dangle down close to getting scorched. Though your photo is having me re-think the safty issues of said dish towel. One question do those gloves make your hands sweat?
Thanks for keeping me abreast of the titular king of oven mitts. I'll try to remammber the information.
Fitz, oh, it's hot in here, baby. You can bet that it's hot in here.
Nadina, who ever needs to get undressed?
Paul, It always makes me proud to learn that I have made my readers swell with newfound information.
It's sexy sometimes to have some clothes on during coitus.
Oh my god. How could I have forgotten to mention that you've got fabulous boobies Erin.
Geez, what is wrong with my manners these days.
I give this post the ole three thumbs up!
Hugh Hefner was here after the party at The Mansion, Erin. THrough persed lips (probably from smoking that pipe so long)he asked me: "What is this girl doing in Ohio?" There you have it! lol! And have a nice week!
This silicone glove seems to trump the Ove Glove we own. You can get yours wet.
PDD: I don't know. Those mitts could be a little limiting, if you know what I mean. And thanks. I'm sure you have fabulous boobies. You also have the good sense not to broadcast them over the internet.
Josh: You are welcome.
Micheal: Tell him I didn't really mean all those nasty Viagra jokes. And thanks for the vote of confidence.
egan: Come on over and get mine wet instead.
I'm a little leery of silicon technology. I prefer the real thing. But I'd give it a go--the power of advertising...
Vince: What exactly is the real alternative to silicon?
Denny: Why doesn't this response surprise me?
Stephanie: This is how I roll, baby.
my mouth is watering. Is that weird?
In a earlier life I had pinchers just like yours. I remember screaming. It must have been the terror and pain when I was (no shit) thrown into a pot of boiling water.
Okay, something is seriously wrong with me. I looked at that picture and thought, "I have that mitt! And it works, too! I wonder if anyone has bothered to mention in the comments how great these mitts are?"
Then I read the comments and realize I should have been looking at your cleavage.
Michelle sent me, but you know? I think I've been here before . . .
O O thats the way i want so see ya babe !!!
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