For years, I believed that the two-wheeled object in this photograph was designed to aid in the movement of heavy objects, such as washing machines and file cabinets. I had thought it was endearingly called a dolly.
Silly me.
Although not quite as mystifying as this discovery, my husband has left just enough evidence to indicate that the two-wheeled object is actually an impromptu clothes rack*.
*Not shown in photograph is a more traditional clothes rack, complete with dozens of empty hangers, not ten feet away from the two-wheeled object.
"...over his morning glory."
Ha ha ha ha haaaa.
It's time for me to get ready for work now.
Hangers require a commitment. Men do not like commitments. A dolly provides the same off the floor experience without the commitment.
Perfect. Straight from the birds mouth. This definately means we get a night together, right pinky?
so what? why not celebrate the fact that your hubby thinks outside the box? whaddaya want? just another predictible guy? or someone that surprises you still after all these years? sheesh!
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