Monday, March 04, 2013

Lock down post #1

Whilst your humble hostess immerses herself in work and deadlines, she invites the readership to enjoy these random photos and empathize with Goat and Lil' OB, who must endure said hostess's copious cataloging of important human details during every excursion. 

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Erin O'Brien said...


Do I have to do everything for you people?

Anonymous said...

'must endure said hostess's copious cataloging of important human details during every excursion.'
Translation; they are living with a high maintenance pest.

Why have they two peppers in the scull.

Mrs. C said...

@roaring40: Those peppers are peepers.

On an side-note: This is a shout-out to Bill. Bill, I am grateful for you. You come in here and you stir the pot and you rankle on a regular basis. But you are not hateful and ridiculous about it. Well, sometimes you push that envelope, but never, ever to the degree and with the willful ignorance of some of my facebook "friends" who are acquaintances from my high school years. Their idiocy has made me reconsider your contributions to the dialog as what they are: a view from another side, offered up to continue the conversation. (Trust me, I cruised my friends' list and unned the four--only four--who were bringing the most poison to the well. Ironically, that was 1% of my total. Gee, if those Neanderthals would quite suckling at the dick of the OTHER 1%, we might get somewhere in this sweet land of ours.)

Erin O'Brien said...

Re: Bill: Well said, Mrs. C.

As for the peppers. How do you know they are peppers? Maybe salt and pepper shakers have become androgynous.

Anonymous said...

Salt shakers have one hole traditionally. And nowadays have vastly fewer holes than the pepper, 3/4 as distinct 9/12 . How else would you know which is which at a restaurant where both are exactly the same without that basic culinary literacy. Well leastwise in the rest of the world we don't tent to put a S and a P on the container.

John Venlet said...

In Hawaii, the garbage cans say Mahalo.

Anonymous said...

Environmental degradation alert: Pouring salt in the well...

From the memory hole: "There is no war on women"-Bill.

If a transvaginal ultrasound technician has impecible bedside manner does that make the procedure somehow less invasive?

RJ, malicious, militant motherfucker.

Bill said...

Thanks, Mrs. C.

Anonymous said...

Those would be 'See' Salt shakers, no?

'Eye'-odized 'See' salt?

My work here is done...