Friday, December 21, 2012

And now for a little gift

Whether you do it now or after Cindy Loo Who has eaten all her Who Pudding and gone to bed, find some way to carve 25 minutes out of the holiday whirlwind and watch this:

I love how Sunny Williams floats around the International Space Station--one of our most advanced accomplishments as a people--describing things such as the mechanics of going "number one" and "number two" in space. I love the way the Station is as messy as my office. I love the way her hair is standing straight up like crazy halo and the way she giggles. I love the way this tough brilliant astronaut is dressed like a camp counselor who forgot to put on her sneakers. I love the way she makes me feel welcome inside something I never could have imagined: a tiny Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft.

Most of all, I love the way Sunny delivers that most elusive of gifts at a time we need it the most: a healthy dose of belief in humanity.

Merry, merry.

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~~with special thanks to Clair and her Gram~~

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Norm said...

Serious crush on this lady (alas, we're married to other people) ;) You know she's from Massachusetts, right? One year she qualified to run the Boston Marathon, but work sent her out of town. You know, to orbit. So she asked if she could run anyway, on the Station's treadmill. The Marathon people sent up a bib for her, she turned on the webcam, tied up her bungees, and ran 26.2 miles while zipping around the earth at 14000 mph. Cool.

Bill said...

That is really good stuff. Thanks.

twinklysparkles said...

That could give me the boob lift I need.

Merry Christmas, Erin!


Unknown said...

...And seeing the Earth from up there; it's like seeing the whole Earth as home, not just the house we live in...Happy Holidays Erin and Earth!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Boy, is she a ringer for Gilda Radner or not?!