As my regular readers may have gathered, my forthcoming book, The Irish Hungarian Guide to the Domestic Arts, is running a little late. In the meantime, I thought I'd share the cover (click to enlarge) and a bit of promo information.
Now back to the enthralling task of software upgrading ....
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You go, girl! Congratulations....
Hopefully, before long I'll be doing the same thing. ;-)
Hey EOB - can I get a signed copy when they are available?
Looking forward to reading this. Congratulations!
I'm going to order the shit out of this! Plus, it'll be a great distraction from working on my second book. (I like what I'm doing for it, but being a writer, procrastination is part of the fun.)
I cannot wait!! That's a fabulous cover, and your promo page is fabulous too! How much longer must we wait? I am dying from the anticipation.....
That means, I have a little more time to read my copy of "Harvey & Eck". I just picked it up from my friendly neighborhood Amazon.com.
I'll be ordering for sure. It'll be my second O'brien book. First one, Better, John's last, which I bought just because of the converstaion you had with your mom about that particular scene that she didn't like. That is an excellent read and I'm looking forwerd to the Guide!
Love that cover. It looks like it was illustrated by a medieval monk.
Still working on making Potatoes Over The Sink.
Fk. Now I'm confused. When did you acquire "dry Midwest humor"? I thought Chicago was Midwest.
Geographically challenged RJ.
RJ may be joking, but in case any of you do wonder why that is, Ohio is west of the original 13 colonies/states. For people living in, say, Boston in 1800, that was as far west as you could go and still be in the US. Within a few years, the Lousiana Purchase changed all that, and Ohio was soon recatogorized as the Midwest. Later on in the 19th century we obtained California, Oregon and Washington, thus putting Ohio, by any fair and objective reading of the map, firmly in the East. However, old habits die hard, and people by then were just used to calling it the Midwest. Sort of the same way "broken record" remains part of the vocabularly.
I suppose we could call Ohio the Mideast, but that might confuse people.
Nice! That is some very cool artwork. :)
I always wished I could draw Irish knotwork, even borrowed a "How to" book on it, but was never any good.
Not joking. Dumb as a rock. Thanks for the explanation. (Course I live in Tennessee and we're called Southeast.)
Hi gang.
Thanks for all the kind words. Still no publication date yet. We ran into some editing glitches. Red Giant Books is a tiny new indie publisher with a lot of heart. Believe me, this is the sort of operation everyone wants to support.
You know what? I'm excited about this. I think people are really going to respond to The Irish Hungarian. It is truly a love letter to the middle class.
That it has dildos and beer is just a bonus.
"Giant Books is a tiny new indie publisher with a lot of heart."
There's some sort of strange anatomical encoded message there. I don't know what it is but it's there. Probably a Midwest thing.
I do not think of Ohio as the Midwest. Midwest is big and flat and in the middle. NE Ohio contains the last (western) reaches of the Appalachian range. I say it's one of the Great Lakes states, which it is, but here in New England people just blink in disbelief that there's really anything other than New England, Boston, New York, California, and a couple of states out west where people ski. New England is full of over-educated people who don't really know geography and most of whom have never been to a red state. But I love it here more than the Western Reserve any day.
I digress and exaggerate.
Let me say, way to go on the book thus far, Erin. Can't wait to buy a copy and to recommend it to everyone I know.
dildos and cooking? wow. It conjures a few specific images...maybe you'll provide more.
I'm in. You had me at love letter. (Who am I kidding? You had me at dildos.)
-Hapsburg double-headed eagles on the cover? Wow...
More geography...Northeast Ohio is referred to as the Western Reserve, because at one time it was just that: the original 13 colonies had claims to the land in the Northwest Territory, which was the leap westward before the Louisiana purchase...Northeast Ohio was claimed as the Western Reserve of the state of Connecticut...
- I'm working from memory here, but IIRC the Northwest Territory was lands ceded by France after the French and Indian War, west of the established colonies and east of the Mississippi, but never organized politically until after the Revolution.
-@Twinkly-re Northeasterner's view of the rest of the nation...In 1987 I was working in Yonkers, and I went to pick up a date. We had to wait for her to finish "All My Children". She asked me if we had "All My Children" in Ohio...there was no second date...
Here's what a Bostonian knows about Tennessee...
"Where you from?"
"Small town in Tennessee, not far from Nashville."
"Oh. I like country music."
WAIT!!! WHAT?? Dildo? There's a recipe for pickle bread in your book?
@Twinkly-I'm a life-long Ohioan. I consider the 'Midwest' to be the states north of the Ohio River and East of the Missouri River. The next westward tier is the Plains states and then the Rocky Mountain states to their west. Pretty much the states of the original Big Ten conference in football...
I don't know anything about football conferences or pickle dildo bread. I don't ask too many questions. I stay in my area.
Get it? dildo=dill dough=pickle bread...
wv: 'versts'-true fact...a verst was a unit of measuring distance in Russia, possibly no longer in use...
I can't wait to get my hands on this. Congrats and best of luck to you!
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