Monday, October 18, 2010

Cleveland Scene's 2010 "Best Of"

Your Humble Hostess authored a number of the Staff Pick entries in this year's Cleveland Scene "Best of" issue. Here's a rundown of those contributions:

-Best Forgotten Relic: the Hulett Ore Unloaders

Hulett Ore Unloaders/Cleveland

After an astute commenter brought their resting place to my attention in this post, I went to visit the Hulett's. To see a bevy of pics of the mothballed ore unloaders and surrounding Cleveland's Whiskey Island, hop over here. Opt to "view all sizes" for super resolutions. I think you'll agree that this tiny bit of land is haunted, severely underutilized and strangely beautiful.

-Best Rooftop Cocktailing

-Best Kept Secret: Backstage tours at Playhouse Square

-Best Boozeless New Year's Eve Celebration: First Night Akron

-Best Public Skate Park: Lakewood

-Best Urban Gym: Titans

-Best Frozen Festival: Medina Ice Festival

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Vince said...

That first shot look like the watch-tower of a prison-camp.

Anonymous said...

I haven't finished the whole article but I just knew the Huletts was yours. Nicely done!

philbilly said...

Burning River festival at Whiskey Island July, 2010


Thanks, Ed

Erin O'Brien said...

And thank you, Phil.