"Hi. I'm the Goat."
I like the Goat plenty myself. I like the Goat regular. Regular Goat, that's what I like. I'm a simple girl. Hence you can imagine my dismay when the Goat came home after a routine check-up and I found this.
See that bare spot in the center of his chest? What you have there is a shaved Goat. I don't want any shaved Goat. I understand that the doc had to put stickers on my Goat in order to check out his ticker and all, but I don't have to like it. When I rub my boobies on my Goat, I want nice warm goat fur, not some lousy razor stubble.
I wonder if there's something I could feed my Goat that would make his fur grow back faster than normal--not that I have any idea how fast his fur grows usually. A regular person doesn't regularly keep track of their Goat's fur growth. It's something a regular person takes for granted.
I guess that's the point of it. You don't realize how much you love something until it's gone. Every time I've gone to rub my boobies on the Goat's fur, the fur has been there to rub. Now that it's AWOL, here I am, pining after goat fur.
Looks like I'm going to have to find another fur patch on my Goat to rub until the regular fur grows back.
"Come 'ere, Goat."
* * *
U could rub the bare patch w/some extra virgin olive oil...lol... Don't worry it will grow back.. Who knows u may just like that bare patch!.
I hear that Frank's Kraut Juice would grow hair on any Goat's chest. Give him a nice tall glass !!!
Does the goat have fur on his back? Wait, don't answer that.
Was the exam requiring the shaving prompted by symptoms or was this a routine physical?
Yes, its clear to me now. I'm sure you could find another warm fuzzy spot to rub your boobies on. I can think of a few places...on the Goat, that is.
Routine, RJ. He has to get them for work certifications every couple of years.
always warms my heart to read about how much you love & want your goat. keeps my slight hope alive that love AND sexual attraction may be more than just a "tale told by an idiot".
Long Live The Goat!
This made me laugh:
"...keeps my slight hope alive that love AND sexual attraction may be more than just a "tale told by an idiot". msknowitall.
I think we may talk to the same people.
That doesn't look like such a big patch of suddenly-hairless Goat. I can't see that this would be much of an inconvenience, booby-wise, unless you had really lar...
ok, never mind.
Looks like I'm going to have to find another fur patch on my Goat to rub until the regular fur grows back.
Lucky Goat.
You're so cute, Erin O'Brien.
Far be it from me to split hairs over a win-win like that. Count your blessings.
Back when The Husband and I were dating, he asked me to take the clippers, normally saved for his head, to his back. I was pretty disappointed with the result. Fur is way better than stubble.
That's a bummer... And not enough around it for a combover either.
Looks like there's still enough fur around there....come on, you can manage it!!
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