Decorative horn barfing lights and greenery upon mall shoppers.

Dubious Parmatown shopper inspecting display in front of "day spa" vendor in mall.

Fashion shoe that fastens onto foot via bejeweled spiral mystery strap.
Making small thing grand and grand things small.
A day spa would clearly be the wedding gift to go with for that pre-Bastille French royal family member on your list!
Wait--is that what they were goin' for there??
Parmatown as a symbol of conspicuous consumption? 20 years ago, yeah. These days, I think it's going the way of Randall Park. It's one, long, lonely walk from The May Co, excuse me, I mean, Kauffman's, excuse me again, Macy's, to that Wal-Mart where Halle's/Higbee's/Dilliard's used to be, the only souls being that teenage couple doing God knows what under that bench, and the old guy dutifully manning the electric garage door opener kiosk.
No wonder that horn's barfing.
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