Whenever I hear or read the word "superb," the next thought I have is "olive." Superb makes me think of eating olives. I do not understand this, but it is true. Superb = Olive.
"Superb" makes me think of someone named Professor Higginbottom who sports a top hat (and nothing else), handlebar moustache, and dons a cigarette holder.
But whenever I hear "subperb" I think of the LA Dodgers. Hmmm. Well, they used to be the Brooklyn Dodgers shortened from the Trolley Dodgers. But before that they were the Brooklyn Superbas. Aha!
"Superb" makes me think of someone named Professor Higginbottom who sports a top hat (and nothing else), handlebar moustache, and dons a cigarette holder.
momentofchoice has it right.
But whenever I hear "subperb" I think of the LA Dodgers. Hmmm. Well, they used to be the Brooklyn Dodgers shortened from the Trolley Dodgers. But before that they were the Brooklyn Superbas. Aha!
I like the olive connection better. :)
I just had some olives with my lunch. I'm telling you--olives have a mouthfeel tantamount to the verbally satisfying sound of "erb."
I should say they were shitty recession olives, but they were olives and I got no complaints.
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