But this year, his nasturtiums bloomed and when I saw the bright orange blossoms, it made me all happy inside. Yay Goat!

A little-known Goat fact is that the Goat had a darling mustache when I married him, which he shaved not long thereafter. It has been my endless task to try to coax him back into facial hair.
I don't know how long it will last, but oh how I love this goat fur!

I always called them "nasty-turtiums" when I was a kid.
Them's good eatin,' too.
!Viva la cabra!
(What's a masturbatorium? It doesn't sound like someplace I would like--even if there is no cover charge.)
Viva La Chupacabra!!!
I still call them nasturshallums after Paddington Bear.
Tell the Goat that facial hair will get him laid more often.
And then screw him more often. Positive reinforcement works best.
I do not think my Goat speaks Spanish. Maybe if I bed him enough per Dean's suggestion, he'll begin speaking in tongues.
As far as the idea of a masturbatorium, that's plain Nasty Her-shum.
I assume that he is aware of the term: moustache ride?
i love facial hair on guys.
if i were a guy, i'd grow all kinds of beards, mustaches, mutton-chop side burns, etc... (don't they get bored without all the make-up and hair options like we have?)
i'm still trying to convince groundcat to shave off the bottom part of his goatee so that he has a real mustache. i think he could grow a respectable 1970's porn stache, but so far he's not interested.
or what about one of those barbershop quartet long mustaches that curl up at the ends? someone needs to bring that look back!
(and all kidding aside, that's one handsome goat!)
More proof of just how sickly domesticated you are, Erin!
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