Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday morning Erin

A comment I just left on my own essay:

I just checked Megarotic is the 23rd most popular site in the world. Youporn is number 38. This is a huge and growing phenomenon. Some intelligent stuff has been written about the implications of Porn 2.0 on the porn industry, but I wanted to write about it on a human level. I wanted to be honest and fresh.

I am a writer.

In my world, you earn those four words far, far away from the land of ivory towers. Human sexuality and the depiction of it are inherent to who we are. What the internet has done to it is stunning. I cannot sniff and look the other way. Some of us writers feel obligated to jump head long into that which wrinkles pristine white brows.

This was a difficult topic. The material is intractable and undeniable. It was even harder to submit it to Ed. He and I went back and forth many times on it. I realize this isn’t for everyone. Truth is like that.

If you haven't already, go over there and give Rosebud 2.0 a chance. Then decide for yourself.


Anonymous said...

That dude had a serious burr up his ass. I trust you won't let one detractor get you down.

Anonymous said...

It took courage to write that piece. Be proud of it.

Anonymous said...

It took courage to write that piece. It was thoughtful, entertaining, and honest.