I just purchased a half gallon of ice cream from Target for $2.69. A half gallon. Not one and 3/4 pint, but a full HALF GALLON. And as you can see, it is packaged in an honest-to-god rectangular cardboard carton.
I feel like it's 1980 again.
I'm sure there is some environmental or social reasons to hate Target of which I am not aware, but I have to admit that right now, they've earned a point on my score card.
The ice-cream's not half bad either.
I'm not sure what I love more, Target or Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. If I had to choose, I think Target wins out!
Did they have chocolate chip cookie dough? If they do I'm going to draw a map of hawaii.
Remember Neapolitan ice cream in a box? Brown, pink and white. Do they still make that stuff? As kids, we always found a way to scoop out all of the brown first, then the white, but we wouldn't touch the pink.
(Yeah, I know it was chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla...but the flavors tasted more like brown, pink, and white!)
Target is addictive. My sister is always asking me, where did you get that. Now she doesn't even bother . . .
What's funny is that the freezer case was almost bare, as if restocking day was upon us. But there was plenty of Neopolitan to be had!
Anybody out there love the pink part of the Neopolitan ice cream?
I love everything pink DUH!
Tar-JAY carries groceries ???
We LOVED Neopolitan when I was a kid. And we loved all three artificial flavors equally, including the strawberry.
Haven't had it in years...
I think I'll stop by Ralph's later on and pick up a gallon. ;)
Yes! pink is the best. as a kid i always got the pink part. Now... i'm lucky if i get to lick the empty box my kids put back in the freezer.
ps. i hate target not quite sure why but i do.
We hate Target because it brings others so much joy.
Steven Wright: I tried to go to Target but I missed.
Re: Neopolitan. In our house the chocolate and vanilla would be surgically removed, with a perfect vertical edge where the "strawberry" began. It would sit in the freezer because my mother refused to buy more until the old carton was finished. We also had a category of ice cream called "Gramma Ice Cream," which referred to the curious, chewy-at-the-edges taste that our Grandmother's ice cream took on from being in the freezer too long. Also, one had to be sure to rinse out any straw she gave you, as she liked to use them again and sometimes that first gulp of root beer float would include something that couldn't be clearly identified as either root beer or ice cream.
Oh my wretched childhood.
you're hilarious, and have been "tagged" on my blog. i am asking you to list 7 weird and random facts about yourself.
i wanted to include you so i could introduce you to my blog readers, all 10 of them!
As a kid the pink part was the last to go and when I was young it had chunks of real strawberries in it. But I was a chocolate girl myself.
At the moment I actually have neopolitian ice cream sandwiches in my freezer. I always start with the pink part so I'm left with the chocolate at the end.
I once had a whole big tub...we're talking big tub here, not half gallon of chocolate chip mint ice cream roll right out of the back of a gelato truck. The tub was so large that of course it didn't fit in the freezer so we had to invite everyone over to eat up before the stuff melted. I figured it was karma being good to me.
It is the best store in the whole world. . .
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