2. Sometimes, eating chocolate makes my face perspire.
3. Now that I've written items one and two, I wonder if the chocolate thing and the fingernail polish thing are related. If so, is this just peculiar to me? I am upon an island called Ice Cream Headache.
4. I walked into the bathroom yesterday and thought for a moment that someone had moved the toilet.
5. It took me a full thirty seconds to decide not to poke myself on Facebook when I first saw that option.
6. The concept of infinity freaks me out in general, but the fact that prime numbers are infinite just blows my mind. Before the internet, who could ever think of a prime number larger than 97? When you die, are you cool with concepts such as infinite prime numbers? What if they're not infinite? What if they just stop? You see how freaky this is?
7. It is currently 13 degrees in Northeast Ohio. The one thing I enjoy about such weather is the delusional bubble it enables within which I may temporarily believe that global warming is not an issue, a glittering concept indeed.
#6 made me very happy this morning
#5 made me guffaw
There are no numbers when we die, just long pieces of string.
:-D #2, for me too. only really dark chocolate, the good stuff, though. it's a bother, since that's my favorite.
so far i have resisted poking myself. i do get pretty bored sometimes though...who knows...
i was in israel until monday for two weeks. i missed you. but i putted up lots of purdy pictures on my facebook. go see!
You have a very beautiful toe.
Nice toad-nail!
I laughed hard at #4. Harder at #5.
You have the craziest big toenail I have ever seen. It's square. It doesn't appear to have grown from any part of the toe in particular, rather it was glued onto the center of toe flesh.
Of course my three center toes on both feet are longer than my big toe. Those three toes appear to be a separate foot apendage, which I'm sure my ancestors found handy when they were clinging to trees.
Gosh, I'm a freak.
I'm on a Spanish kick. I have taught my self some spanish that is useful when south of the border.
While in the Banjo standing at the urinal or sitting in the stall yell "Vamous Cervasa"! What this does is catch the beer by surprise and it takes flight in defense. You spend less time in the banjo and more time sipping the suds with your loved ones. Thats all I have to teach today.
Dig the frog!
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