Overhead highway, strange and loud.

Buy me a sandwich I'm hungry!

The only Bush sign you'll see in Seattle.

I am the walrus.

Salmon tank at the Seattle Aquarium.

I sort of miss the old Sam.

Pioneer Square, cool and old.

Skyline and it rocks.

Buy me a beer and I love you yay!

Keep walking and walking.

No fat tire for me.

Looking everywhere.

Time for a quickie? I got the $0.75.

Puget Sound in the background and it's perfect.

Naked lady pic.

Stone relief carving.

Hills and streets everywhere.

Looks good take a pic.
I love Seattle, and hopefully I'll drag my carcass back there one of these days.
Erin!--the next time you're in Seattle . . .
I was going to say call me--we'll have a beer. But on second thought, that is so not my nature : ) So next time you're in town, I'll just think happy thoughts about you : )
Looks a lovely city I only passed through it on a bus.
Loads of great pics there erin. Nice 1.
Nice photo essay! I love Seattle.
Fun photo essay, Erin. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your road trip.
6 Sicks - is that a family moniker?
B-E-A-UTIFUL trip girl. love the photo essays you do.: )
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