1 box of diapers, a tin cup and a fez for the ape. Add a little organ music and you've got yourself a nice little moneymaker.
The nun worries about everyone else's soul to avoid confronting the emptiness in hers. Do something scandalous. It will only take a few minutes of your time, but will keep her occupied for months.
On its own, the ruby is a lie. But find another one and clack them together, then you will realize that you had the power to go home all along.
There, all your problems solved. No need to thank me, the bill is already in the mail.
I love the weird Erin, the mischeveous Erin, the random Erin, and especially the naked Erin ;) I just love ya, baby! And hopefully my raffle entry and post pimping you will happen in the next 24 hours...
Hal: I interpret this comment to mean that you are receiving my transmission. In which case, you are by now in the most interior part of your abode with three days worth of supplies.
I know it seems strange, but you'll thank me when the attack is over.
Just tolerate the weird Erin once in a while, okay?
That explains the weird smell when I drive east.
And that weird buzz sound when I go west.
A monkey and a nun were sitting at a bar and in walked who but....ah thats an old one. nevermind.
1 box of diapers, a tin cup and a fez for the ape. Add a little organ music and you've got yourself a nice little moneymaker.
The nun worries about everyone else's soul to avoid confronting the emptiness in hers. Do something scandalous. It will only take a few minutes of your time, but will keep her occupied for months.
On its own, the ruby is a lie. But find another one and clack them together, then you will realize that you had the power to go home all along.
There, all your problems solved. No need to thank me, the bill is already in the mail.
I love the weird Erin, the mischeveous Erin, the random Erin, and especially the naked Erin ;) I just love ya, baby!
And hopefully my raffle entry and post pimping you will happen in the next 24 hours...
Dean and Toby: Are you two in the same car?
Josh: You were the monkey and I was the nun. Or was it the other way around?
S11: You are worth every cent of it.
Renee: **thanks**
Weird Erin RAWKS!!!
Hal: I interpret this comment to mean that you are receiving my transmission. In which case, you are by now in the most interior part of your abode with three days worth of supplies.
I know it seems strange, but you'll thank me when the attack is over.
Myoe, Basho, and Saigyo would have appreciated this.
Have a great day!
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