Entries to date: 30. Film review and raffle details here.
I will hold a random drawing LIVE on ErinCam at 8 p.m. EST right here on this site! Thrills and chills! Surprises! Hot dogs for the kids!
Well, maybe no hot dogs, but I might eat a beef stick or something.
I am amazed and amazed and amazed at the entries I got. Click on any to enlarge and see details.

The return address label on one raffle entry featured a picture of Bert from Sesame Street. Nice. Very nice.
I had to check my calender when I saw this post. I was all, "March 17th already???"
Time travel.
Fucking brilliant.
And all this time me and J-dubs were wasting arguing about infinite monkeys. Bow down before the master of theoretical physics!
No way the USPS could have delivered anything to you that fast.
No way!!
Hell...e. I'm in...bringing my dough to you later in the week...
Too Funny!!!
What in the Spam Dill? S11 is correct. Kudos
Sombrero: Perhaps I forgot to mention that I am the mistress of evil. This is what we do here! We eff up young men, seduce them, then eat them. Now come a bit closer, lovey, where the nice lady can see you.
Garrett: My, my, my! It's he of the submersed head.
wwwriter: Hand delivered dough's got to count for something. I'm not sure what, but something.
Michael: It will be really funny if I don't get any entries. What does that say about the state of sexuality in the blogosphere? I dunno.
Josh: I think I'll brew up a special spell for you. Think I'll send you to the Gulag, 1939. Don't worry, though, darling. I'll send you along with a nice warm hat and some butter cookies.
I still asy its stupid
Oh all right anonymous. I'll come clean. I deleted your previous comment. It said, "this is a really stupid idea, desperate almost."
I apologize. I normally eschew censorship. The comment just felt sort of mean and so I deleted it. Too quickly perhaps. But I admire your persistence, so there's your words for all to see.
Apparently, you're right anyway since I've yet to receive so much as one entry. As far as the desperate part is concerned. Dunno. Could be, I guess.
Thanks for stopping.
Okay people. Back fresh from the P. O. Box and still no change in the entry count.
I'm beginning to think anonymous might have a point.
If no one responds, perhaps I should give him (her?) the vid.
Send help please. Send lots and lots of help.
No way the USPS could have delivered anything to you this fast.
Still no way!!!
P.S. Does "Submersed Head" translate to "Liquid Love" in any languages other than porn?
I totally forgot about it, do you use paypal?
Garrett: What? You're calling me impatient? Me? And "submersed head" is just another way to say "upside down beer."
Toby: I am so sorry to say that I don't use paypal. Please don't tell anyone what a doof I am.
~d is a Pimp!
Okay, the dollar will be in the mail tomorrow. Should I write a check? LOL
Oh wow Erin! I will be sending MY $1 and a link on my blog! Wow.. I hope that I win!!
OK, we are re-pimped, Erin...
(duhhh, same linkage as before...)
tell me about the butter cookies...tell me again...
Cash in the mail, sweetums. Did you really doubt me?
~d: Please, let's not be crass. You are my Madame.
Toby: This is so silly. It's the silliest thing ever.
Jules: Welcome. And you come with gifts in hand! Thank you, good woman.
~d: It's all good, baby.
Josh: The butter cookies are shaped like rabbits. Like big fluffy white rabbits.
Doug: I would never, ever make that mistake.
~d is a Madame
~d heart Erin
Erin I use pay pal, just have the entrants send me the $2.00 entry and I will send you your dollar, kinda like ticketmaster. Just that simple, we can save this fund raiser.
Whats the current exchange rate
€ to $, I wonder. Will 50 cents do?
~d: And a damn fine one at that.
Josh: You got side deals, baby, that's your business. Me? I'm just running the main board.
Mone: Good lordy girl! You can't honestly think that the accounting department over here can figure out something like that, can you? Whatever you send, we'll work it out, no worries.
My entry is in the mail.
Pssst, my kids were little brats this morning, so for a fine punishment I got their piggy banks in the mail for you.
I hope multiple entrances are legal?
Thanks Hal.
Mone, say multiple entrances again, baby. Just say it one more time, please?
hiya Erin. Just passing thru. This is what I looked like earlier today: ~d agitated
This is me now:
(and Clover!)
Josh: oof! you are a big oof!
Fog: Hello my darling. How are you? Won't you pour us both another mimosa and pull the blanket up snug. I swear I'll need a nap later. **sigh**
~d: I so understand the drive behind that graphic. Glad you are better babygirl.
As you can see, our first entry harked from a M.D./PH. D. Clearly, this person is interested in the continued research of human sexuality.
I, for one, am proud to be a part of this noble effort.
Life. Is. Beautiful.
lol! What a terrific idea! ;) Ooo, I might still have time to enter!
That is not my handwriting. I suppose my Czech is still in the male! HAHAHA!
~d heart Erin
I recognize the handwriting on that MD Phd mail!
I pimped this again, for all the good it will do, and I'm going to send you some money. A raffle and squirting chicks! What could be better?
You said 'postmarked by Mar 17', so we (the sxKitten and I) still have time.
Some of Body's "aggressive" masturbation techniques...
(curiosity definitely piqued).
Very interesting Blog all around!
I already won! The comments alone are worth more than a buck.
toby is wrong, he's a cool cat, but this cat is wrong! How could he be the winner when I already won? I love the DVD, gang I will auction it off now that I have bootlegged a few hundred copies, share the wealth if you will, bidding starts at $1.00 or best offer plus shipping and handling.
You'll note that the check was indeed in the mail, and I did not come in your mouth.
I'm a man of my word.
And my ears are burning.
Does female ejaculation really exist?
Clearly, this is an area that needs more research.
Symbiotically, the porn industry needs some new ideas. And locations other than the San Fernando Valley. And new actresses. And less scuzzy actors. And actual scripts and plots. And....ah, hell with it...
I make the ladies squirt all the time. Often, we do it together. It's a great way to bond.
oops...for a minute i thought I missed the St Patricks day party. Psych!
Interesting picture there Mongrel.
hey--you forgot to take my money last night for the raffle--guess I'll mail it.
You rock, e.! Tell the goat thanks too.
Great party!
Nina: Welcome!
~d: I received your transmission loud and clear, baby.
Dean: Better? Hm, I dunno. Sex and cheesecake?
~d: And I do mean "aggressive."
Big Ear: My, that is one big ear you've got.
Toby: I wonder what the comment to entry ratio will end up being.
Josh: Stop it this instant! You're confusing the bloggers!
Doug: All of what you say is true and wholly earned.
Zen: I make no unsupported assertions, just reporting the facts.
Mongrel: And undoubtedly better than bonding with denture adhesive.
Rev: I know. I can't do one thing with Porksword. Sorry.
Anon: Woot! Woot woot!
Passing thru...
heading back to my place to re-pimp (excuse me!) put you back on top baby!
~d heart porksword
Could you front me a buck?
~d: The porksword is captivating, no?
Josh: Yet with all I have given you, my son, you doth asketh for more?
4 to 1? I know I'm going win. I didn't read through all the more current comments, and maybe I'm just dumb, but how are you going to draw and will it be a video?
What do you plan to do with your new found fortune?
Toby: I will hold the random drawing LIVE! on ErinCam on Monday, March 26 at 8 p.m. EST. As far as the bankroll is concerned, I was hoping to buy a swanky sex toy, but $14 doesn't get a girl much swank or sex or toy. Guess I'll have to think of sumpin' else. Hm ...
Chit: Hey! Welcome back and good to see you. Why it's the Ides of March already, the 26th will be here in no time.
Hee Hee!
Yes. He is captivating!
did you like the uhh, pictures?
Keep the $14, I'm free. It's a win win for both of us. :)
I've just been here and I found this link, I didn't read through it all, but I did read some pretty funny shit.
I'm still free and I'm funny. :)
Erin wont budge. Will someone loan me a buck so I can win this contest and continue my schooling! Thank you in advance you are to kind...Kind Regards JW
2 luck-infused bucks are speedily wending their way down from the wilds of Canada (at least I hope they're speedy, otherwise we'll miss the big draw!). One for me, one for my dearly beloved, because I know he'll share if he wins.
Sweetie, I was handcuffed and gagged by workdemons...
multiple entrances, multiple entrances, multiple entrances, multiple entrances, multiple entrances, multiple entrances
~d: anything in the post update look familiar? Ha!
Toby: Toby, All I'm going to say is that I own NONE of the items pictured in your hilarious effing link.
Josh: Loosen up the goddamn purse strings all ready! If you don't, the closest you're going to get to a female ejaculation is me turning a garden hose on you.
sxk: You're in the hopper, baby.
Mone: You need a multiple something. I'm thinking beers?
Erin, that was a regular day...just haning in the garage watching 11 million kids play around my house. 2morow my gf is introducing me to Cosmopolitans. the husband is planning to stay awake to see me (hopefully?) get stupid!
Who knows what I will color THEN...
I'm gonna win the squirt vid. You betcha babe. I can feel it in my boner.
I came here from Michael Manning and I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
$14 doesn't get a girl much swank or sex or toy.
And it doesn't even come close to the cost of taking myself out for drinks so i can get drunk and take advantage of myself.
~d: The cool thing about being a mom is that you get to color shit and play with crayons and glitter glue and those big fat water color markers.
Hal: Would you just grow up already! This is about science and research and shit!
Tricia: Might work if you're talking McDonald's and a warm Bud in the back of the van. Dunno, but welcome.
I REALLY hope Burt wins!!!
Sammie: I wish everyone could win.
Hi Erin :)
I saw that card, and it was like a bolt of lightning - I KNEW I had to send it to you! I also have boot and hat envy. Do you want the white boot or the red one?
As far as the heart, glad to know my fine art degree is good for something... you know, _other_ than taking naked pictures of myself.
If I'd had more time, I would have customized the picture, instead of just the text ;) Unfortunately, I just got promoted, so all free time has been eaten by the sucking black hole again.
Although if I'm lucky enough to win the video, I'll devote lots of time to studying. I am all about the science and research and shit:)
Hi Erin I just found you completely by accident by doing a google search for female ejaculation and also squirting... pages and pages later of reading I stumbled upon your blog and youtube vid. Reason I am researching is because I am a Squirter and never knew I could/did until 4 yrs ago.. I am now 50 yrs old. I never researched it (go figure) but was beyond curious. After reading as much as I could find on line I am even more puzzled. I gush sometimes and even though it has no odor and is clear and leaves no stain I still feel like it is pee. Anyway I will continue my search for answers and would like to know more about that Liquid Love film you spoke about. And as far as the Yankee Cleveland game last night wtf was that? They were being attacked like in a B grade 50s movie... sheesh I did leave my email addy a few mins ago it is the ginger one at gmail... if you find time please email back... (never wrote to anyone's blog before)
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