Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Entertainment for Men *UPDATED*

"Five models from 50 cc to 250 cc starting around $225."

 Tidbits from the 231 pages of the May 1966 Playboy, which I am perusing courtesy of Dogs Don't Purr:

--An ad for Riegel surfer trunks that changed color when you smeared them with a grapefruit. "Draw or write, even play tic-tac-toe, in citrus fruit on your green surfers."

--Photo spread of 1965 Playmate of the Year Jo Collins visiting the troops in Vietnam. "Take it from me," Jo smiles, "these bulletproof vests they make you wear do nothing for a girl's figure."

--An ad for Old Spice Lime. "Fresh ... frosted ... spiced with a twist of lime!"

--Interview with Arthur Schlesinger. "What are we offering to the South Vietnamese people that the Viet Cong aren't?"

--An ad for Champale. CHAMPALE.

--Pictorial satire by Shel Silverstein: "Lord Love a Teevee Jeebie."

-An ad for Budweiser encouraging the reader to, "Try the Wiffability Test."

--Tons of cartoons and jokes I do not get. *UPDATED* per request

Yes, I get it and it's just disgusting.

What? She has to ask for a raise so he can demand sex? Huh? Hilarious.

Someone else can google "coals to Newcastle."

--"Playboy's wide-angle look at current and upcoming camera gear with an audio-visual assist by Woody Allen."

*  *  *


Anonymous said...

"Tons of cartoons and jokes I do not get." This is cruel. Give us at least one example.


Erin O'Brien said...

ok. will see what I can do.

Erin O'Brien said...

Ask and you shall recieve, RJ.

Anonymous said...

Thank You. Now checking to see if I speak 1966.