Saturday, January 28, 2012

Holy heart failure, Batman!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Cool.


rraine said...

who needs brakes?
the whole time i was wondering how it was going to stop!

Ms Amanda said...

Just watching made my heart race...

DogsDontPurr said...

They obviously don't have anything like safety commissions or OSHA over there. Which, to me is a good thing. But....I don't see myself jumping on something like that anytime soon. I wish I could be so fearless!

WV: ingingl
The sound I would make after getting off that thing, just before passing out or throwing up...or both!

Anonymous said...

Q: Ms Alpenrider,to what do you attribute your conquest of this harrowing experience?
A: ....hmmm...depends...


Erin O'Brien said...

I couldn't stop watching this silly thing.

I loved ziplining in North Carolina, but this thing? No thanks.

twinkly sparkles said...

Holy Swiss Alpine engineering!

Not for me. And yes, why didn't we get to see how it stops? How does his little chair get back to the top?

I don't want to watch any more of his videos, but I might need to in order to find out.

Michael Lawless said...

I peed my pants in Lakewood Library. I'm glad they have a good hand dryer in the bathroom.

Judy said...

Hope your feet don't pop off the thingy...

The Twisted Tine said...

Me and the kid just watched this.

This is now on my bucket list.

In other news, I just made a bucket list.

Anonymous said...

Start this vid after you've gotten 13 minutes into this jam....

I swear, it's better than The Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon!