If you have something to say about it, please email my editor Frank Lewis at flewisATclevesceneDOTcom and be sure to include your full name and city.
Before anyone asks, no that is not my picture in the associated link and for pity's sake have a happy New Year!
In Re: Time. My 10 year old daughter tells me that she heard at school that for every mile a person walks it adds 2 hours to that persons life. I reply that theoretically we could all live forever as long as we keep on walking and conjure up an image of crowds of aged people in an endless parade. "You're weird" she says.
Happy New Year.
Great guidelines. Happy New Year to you!
Rule No. 5 is good for any year, any time.
Another great piece, Erin. Happy New Year, he says, looking ahead, looking forward.
Beautiful, right on and I wish I had said that. Best wishes for the Happiest of New Years.
Thanks all and have a great 2009!
Shit, according to what RJ said, I'll be living about 230 years, so I better get busy. My socks and underwear are going to have to last a lot longer than I thought.
I happened to pick up a Scene last night while waiting for a flight coming in to the Akron airport. As I flipped through the pub and was crestfallen, again, to find not much in it, I knew at least your column would deliver. And it not only delivered, but made me laugh till my stomach hurt. Maybe your best column ever, which is saying something.
The Rule #5 especially strikes home.
"You'll be fifty, by the time you attain Goal X!'
You will be fifty by the time you are fifty anyway, why not attain something by the time you get there?
There I was, dozing on the couch, fingers on my remote...
Speaking of I, I've always regarded the fascination that people have with other's sexual preferences to be analogous to animals sniffing each other's asses when they meet on the street, where ya been, whodja do, wanna do me?
Look'er in the eyes, I say, that's where the great sex starts.
Maybe even this year!
Your columns always make me happy, even when you describe things that piss us BOTH off. Maybe especially then. Happy New Year!
"If you have something to say about it, e-mail Frank Lewis at Scene"
I don't know if you've noticed, but Scene no longer prints letters. And I can't find them on their web sight, either. So this e-mail you want me to send to Lewis, is it supposed to be a private conversation between me and him about your column? I feel that's kind of like talking about you behind your back.
Speaking of said column, would Mr. Lewis be interested in hearing about that bunion my Uncle Lester had removed from his left buttock?
Hi Kirk,
My readers can always contact me at eobnow[AT]yahoo[dot]com or by leaving a comment here. But I like to leave the option for people to write the editor. Whether or not Lewis will print the letter is completely out of my control.
Many people write editors with no intention of having their comments published.
Thanks as always for reading. As far as your Uncle Lester's bunion--dunno. You can always pitch it though ...
Happy New Year.
Keep up the good work! You continue to entertain and enlighten.
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